Shadow bolt!

Why are you gaslighting people? You’re a council member. How about say, hmm well maybe I could report on this and see if I can make it happen?? The entire class does not suck, I’m saying that the animation for shadow bolt skews the class for me, and it’s difficult to play.

I’m all for new spell glyphs making their way to us someday. Many classes could use some variations of spells.

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Dirty sneaky rogues deserve it!

Checks Calendar

Nope not Sunday yet.

Well… if you listen carefully while casting Shadowbolt, you’ll hear a message from the void… it says “I’m sorry”


This one rocked! :smiley:


The art team has been done made some incredibly frustrating decisions “RAVEN PRIEST GLYPH GONE WTF?!?”

This is definitely up there near the top. I can not see a single justification- that I’m willing to accept :smirk:- that explains these changes.

I am hereby firmly on team “CHANGE IT BACK GDAMMIT!”


I have no horse in this race because I only play Destruction these days and so I can’t cast Shadow Bolt.

But if it was up to me I would add the skull back.

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Agreed that was the best!


Yeah the dragon head looked so much better than the giant green turd we have now.