Shadow AOE in mythic+

this spec has been obliterated to justify Aug.
Mage gets a free pass, as always.

PI needs to go, and its relative damage needs to be injected into SPr tree.

Void Form is extinct. This needs to be addressed.
The fun, high APM playstyle has been utterly neutered.

Ramping, somehow, is an issue again.
You can’t hinge so much of our AoE onto Shadow Crash. There has to be another/an additional way to ramp AoE dmg more effectively.

Damage outside DP, SWD, MB is non-existant. The mid-tree talents need to be dramatically buffed for us to be relevant again.

SPr niche is gone. Arguably the worst AoE spec in the game, bottom third ST.

My sub runs out in a few weeks. Saying goodbye after 15-20 years.



Swapped to mage after 5 years of a spriest stint. Can honestly say aoe as a frost mage is 1000% easier with higher return and I still watch demon hunters rip off over a million DpS in aoe. Cloth in M+ feels like it’s not allowed to do well.

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There are so many things that could be done to help our aoe it’s hilarious.

Simply buff psychic link.
Buff shadowy apparitions back to before 10.1 tier made them too strong.
Uncap how many targets can get dotted by shadow crash so large groups of minion spawns don’t completely ruin our ramp.
Make Inescapable Torment do scaling damage based on number of targets. Many other abilities do this and it would give us some help on aoe that doesn’t even have an affect on our st, the reason they always give us for why one or the other has to be bad.

This is just of the top of my head and I’m not even smart but I’m pretty sure any of these is better than a bandaid 5% aura buff.

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LOL Your commentary should be a thread on it’s own.

Us: Can we at least get a second charge of Shadow Crash?
Blizzard: No.

Us: Mobs spawn after using Shadow Crash, or the tank is constantly kiting and pulling more than 8+ mobs. What if we miss?
Blizzard: So.

Us: The Second Shadow Crash will allow us to the Dot the new adds/larger pack.
Blizzard: No.

Us: How do you expect us to DPS? Dot the new mobs one by one?
Blizzard: Yes.

Us: What if those are mobs are spawns or low HP.
Blizzard: So.

Us: Bro!
Blizzard: No.

Us: You just didn’t want SP to be Meta this season right?
Blizzard: Yes… wait! oh shnap… No.

Blizzard: whispers Did you remember to nerf PI?
Blizzard Intern: Yes, but it’s also affecting SP’s output and community perception.
Blizzard: So.
Blizzard: whispers Did you remember to nerf MD?
Blizzard Intern: Yes, 1min.
Blizzard: No. Make it 2.


10.0 version but keep mind spike and mind sear a choice node

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This sums up the Shadow Priest experience. I’ll just keep suggesting the same thing on every forum post about our AoE problem until Blizzard notices it.

-Give our dots a baseline AoE application like casting Sunfire. Merge Vampiric Touch into Shadow Word Pain, alter the dispel fear affect in PvP or just remove it. Keep the 8 target limit so Psychic Link doesn’t become OP.

-Make Shadow Crash a powerful AoE spender ability that fires a faster misile at a target instead of on the ground, it’s an iconic looking spell let’s make it more than a frustrating dot applicator. Put it on a choice node with Psychic Link, this would give people the option to choose single target focus over stronger AoE.

-Make Mental decay increase dot duration to all units near your target like Void Bolt does.

-Change our 4 set bonus to something useful, maybe buff Mind Blast so that it’s actually worth casting now.

Our class is currently a Frankenstein of outdated spell and talents that don’t quite make sense at the moment, but if they can just fix the AoE next patch, I won’t mind waiting till next Xpac for a proper rework.

Shadow’s AOE has seen a big jump from the logs I’ve seen from this week. Psychic Link went from being the 4th-5th highest damaging ability to #1 in keys.

It’s still kind of mid compared to a few classes. Probably need a 10-15% buff to VT and SWP…

Honestly I’d rather make DP act like renewing mist or something, apply it to a target already affected it will spread to a different target that has VT on it if able or something like that. You know, make in an actual plague.


That being said I have seen a ton of posts and replies stating better ways to make spriest better.

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We don’t need numbers buffed yet, we need our class to be able to do AoE while Shadow Crash is on CC. Even if they brought it back up to 40%, it would not fix the underlying issue. They can nerf or buff damage if needed later.

It’s season of discovery.

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The buff is in Season of Discovery not Retail. Shadow Priest currently non existent in SoD. And the buff won’t change that either.

Mb boys. Soz

Mind Sear needs to come back as AOE! @WotLK… BC…

This thread is pretty on point.

They should 100% give Shadow-Crash:

  • 2 Charges
  • Larger radius
  • Faster bolt travel.

Honestly shadow crash shouldn’t be the only way to apply dots to multiple targets. 2 charges just means most of the time you have 2 charges on cd.

Perhaps give it a bonus feature like:

  • “If you successfully kill a target with ‘Shadow-Word: Death’ or it dies within 3 seconds of its cast – You gain a charge of Shadow-Crash.”

or delete spriest and make a new spec in 11.0 that use void energy instead.

Someone made a suggestion in another post that’s similar.
-When a target dies affected by Vampiric Touch, the cooldown of shadow crash is reduces by X seconds.

I still think that turning shadow crash into a dot applyer and nerfing it’s damage was the wrong move.

-Misery should just add the properties of Vampiric Touch into Shadow Word Pain, fusing into one insta cast spell and also give it a baseline AoE application but limited to 8 targets. This would fix our AoE issues and remove buttons bloat.

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They went over the top with the nerf hammer applied @ Shadowpriests. The nerf went too far & we all know it.

Narcs who don’t even play the damn class or spec will argue: “No it was totally deserved and now they’re perfectly balanced and still actually quite around the top.” — which obviously, simply isn’t true.

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