Shadestone (alchemy xmute) started on cooldown

About an hour ago (9/3/2020, about 22:00 server), I finally got the rep needed for the Shadestone recipe. Learned it, switched to my gatherer to get the missing herbs before switching back. Currently have 20x GDB, 22x GVT, 38x GWb, 29x GM, and 20x GRG. (reqs are 5, 2, 2, 2, 2 respectively)

Turns out that it started on cooldown. The thing is, I had foolishly made the Shadowghast Ingot (a different transmute) the same day I bought that one, and it did not start on cooldown. For that reason, I’m pretty sure this is a bug.

I already filed a ticket, but given the rarity and demand for this item, it kind of stings.

I have some useful info for this. It seems that Transmute: Shadestone shares a cooldown with a bunch of BfA transmutes. I had transmuted Expulsom that same day (I still make BfA bags). Luckily, I made the Shadestone first today, but now I can’t transmute Expulsom or any of the other BfA ones. All have the red “Cooldown resets daily” text.

I’m assuming the intended behavior is to have it share a CD with the Shadowghast Ingot, which I absolutely did not make on 12/3.

edit: Now that it’s relevant, I’d like to add that on 12/3, the Shadowghast Ingot was not on cooldown. It doesn’t share with BfA xmutes. It’s not on CD even after I’ve made the Shadestone on 12/4, either.