<Severity Gaming> | 6/8M | Casual & Hardcore Teams Available | LFM S2

Hello, DPS warrior looking for an evening guild! Im currently 9/11 N, been steadily gearing and pugging content. I sent a request on bnet, thanks in advance!

Needs have been updated!

LF Demon Hunters :slight_smile:

No more alts :slight_smile:

Needs updated. Prioritizing DH DPS atm.

Still looking for some DH DPS to fill out our melee roster!

bumping to the top for another great week of prog!

good luck everyone, and for those looking for some Sunday action… We want to talk to you! :slight_smile:

Good morning, hope your vaults were nice!

latest needs updated!!

Just about have Xymox wrapped up (8% wipe). Full disclosure, been hitting a few nights where 3-4 people have had to post out due to some really crappy IRL events lining up. Just looking for 1-2 more people to ensure we always go in with team we’re confident in!

good morning folks!

bump for the day!

wham! lets have a great week!

looking for more for Sunday!!

Got Xy’Mox last night, and Sausage to 36%!

Added Warlock.

bump for one-day!

bump up. looking for warrior now!

6/11 down!