<Severity Gaming> | 6/8M | Casual & Hardcore Teams Available | LFM S2

looking for warrior dps, and ranged in general! about to crack into mythics. group is hungry!

1 heal, 1 rdps, and 1 mdps would be quite nice!! :slight_smile:

still looking for more to crack into Mythic Prog with! Cmon Sunday Crew!!!

We’re looking for more!

Hope you guys are all doing well! :slight_smile:

Hope everyone had a great weekend! :slight_smile:

looking for more! Needs updated!

more updates!

got a few spots open for our run this Sunday.

happy Friday everyone! spots open for Sunday!

happy saturday friends! looking for some more for tomorrow!

Needs updated! 3/10 mythic first night! :slight_smile:

updated needs !

Looking for more!

where them blood dks at?!

where the frost mages at?
how about some warriors?
or DPS DKs? :slight_smile:

Our needs have been updated! You can find them in the opening post! :slight_smile:

consistently in mythic. looking for more players that are down to raid, but okay if they can’t. We’re that perfect guild for an ALT of say a CE raider :slight_smile:

looking for mages and warriors!

updated needs - looking to backfill some healers that want to sunset due to state of game.