Several spells coming off the GCD!

Is there cake?

Wow, and it only took two years of the entire playerbase screaming in their ears that the GCD change is the stupidest thing they have ever come up with. Maybe from now on when they do dumb stuff that nobody likes, and the playerbase cries out in unison against it, they will only take an entire year, instead of an entire expansion to fix it next time.

looks at covenant swapping

I hope so.

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Yay one spell I can macro in
ack they are given me another spell to juggle now.
/le sigh.

Thanks,OP,some positive news for once. Nerf shamans.

Bears have berserk in Shadowlands, but it seems they’re keeping the Resto and Guardian talent versions on the GCD.

Beserk and Celestial Alignment is coming off GCD?! O.O This makes my choice even harder to choose which spec to play!

First, kind of, in name only, since it’s just a watered down version of the existing Incarnation talent instead of the old Berserk. It doesn’t even have the fear immunity.

And second, if you take actual Incarnation as a talent
 you lose Berserk. :laughing: Seriously. Can’t even make this stuff up, it’s so bad.

It’s still not enough. Shamans dont have Ancestral Guidance baseline or on a talent row and Aspect of the Wild only fixes Beast Mastery hunter.

They need to take more stuff off for those two classes. Coordinated Assault and Trueshot for Survival and Marksman respectively and then Feral Spirit and Fire/Storm Elemental off for Enhancement and Elemental. Along with Ascendance and Hunter’s Mark for the classes.

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It’s definitely a great start to fixing the GCD issue. We should continue to be vocal about it so that all specs get the same treatment

Bust out the dancing crabs!


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Took only literal years of complains

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Took 26 months
 And still missing lots of spells.

It’s a decent start but there are still 20-30 abilities on the GCD that fit their description of burst cooldowns.

Paladins sure do love avenging and crusading!


Oh yeah it’s def not fair, but it’s not nothing. I think the reasoning is because these changes are to make openers more fluid, and for a Bear Druid
 If you’re blowing all of your Mitigation as an “opener”
 Don’t play Bear Druid.

For those interested in a direct link -

That said, as good of news as this may be

Yeah, can’t give a whole lot of credit for this. One, putting everything on the GCD should never have gone forward to begin with, and two, this should have been corrected long ago.

Remember, “Let’s put everything on the GCD!” was such a profanely stupid idea, it was first proposed in an April Fools patch note set.

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I mean
 to be fair what exactly could DH’s possibly need off the GCD?

It’s just nice to feel included :smile:

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Shapeshifting, and other things

Take Auras off the GCD
