Looking for frens to heal
Looking to add 2 or 3 more DPS to the roster! Should achieve AoTC next week, and will be starting Mythic prog after that.
Updated recruiting list! Would love to find a Dev/Aug Evoker and Ele Shammy!
Bumpity bump bump! Upgraded recruiting needs as we’ll be pushing Queen this Thursday. We will be venturing into Mythic very soon!
Our top priorities at the moment are Evoker, Ele Shammy, and Warrior.
Need to fill some DPS spots!
DPS, where you all at?!
Hi! Do you need a shadow priest? I’m a veteran player coming back from a long hiatus. I started playing in TBC, but mainly raided in WOTLK & WOD. Looking to get back into raiding I’m ilvl 608 at the moment, but can’t do much more at the moment solo. Thanks!
Didn’t post the first message with my priest, thanks!
Hey Relicore,
Would absolutely love to have another shadow priest. A lot of our guild are veteran Vanilla and TBC raiders who just aren’t into the “hard core” thing right now. Send me a message on Discord (wargames24) or BNET (Wargames#1502), would love to chat more!
I have a Destruction warlock and several other characters that I am looking to stick them in a new home. Added you guys on discord
Hi Mideon,
Just accepted it. I should be around all day (until trick or treat at least), shoot me a message any time!