Sethrekk allied race

Not to be mean but how do we convince people to stop asking for Alliance Sethrak? It was the horde to overthrow Korthek and the reputation in Vol’dun resulted in Dark Iron Dwarves.

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Hey, OP, I don’t mean to be rude but I think Sethrak are spelled… well Sethrak. Not Sethrekk.

Theres no need to have them stop asking. Folk should be allowed to ask for what they want. Though you can always bring up the likelihood. For instance I know the Sethrak thread folk often have to point out how aware they are of the major Horde lean the Sethrak currently have.

I digress.

There is no way to convince folk to stop asking, but understand that they shouldn’t have to stop asking as long as they’re being polite about it.

No need to worry about helmets it was never an issue.


I didn’t say we couldn’t, I said I would rather we focus on adding the heritage armor for all the core races rather than adding more allied races.

Point out where I said it was a “rule”.

Jesus dude, calm down a bit.

You pretty much did. Hence my question why it has to be this way.

I am calm.

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So I actually didn’t, but since you took it a different way then what I meant then I did say it?

Doesn’t seem like it.

The sad thing is that junkgnomes did not fall in popular taste.
No matter what they’re good at, it’s not enough to make them loved by the general public or make them interesting.
Only those who already like gnomes.

I should know better but many allied race ideas in the forums sound… insane. I think the worse has to be the Wildhammer Dwarf as an allied race.

I took your post at what it meant. “No allied races until ALL core races get armor.” There’s no other way to take that. It seems like you’re backtracking. I was just curious as to why you thought that originally. But hey, whatever.

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Oh my friend! You wound me! Thats one of mine! lol

I get it though. Some seem out there. Some seem unnecessary.

Ultimately though folk gonna want what they want. Long as they ain’t being big ole jerks about it best to let em be.

If they are being jerks, let em have it.

Mechagon Prevails! :gear:


In the minds of some people, they are contradictory goals.
For some reason, we can’t have both, because Blizzard has a small team to handle both.

It’s like being unable to talk and walk at the same time.

smol indie dev

Every thread about Sethrak Allied Race being added for the Alliance: “We hate Mechagnomes, so that means we deserve Sethrak!”

The Sethrak would join the Horde. Point blank, period. Suffer with your diaper gnomes.

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Would be nice.

By this point I’ve resigned to the fact that the Naga will never happen. We have no reptilian race thus far, and the Alliance did get hosed when it comes to the Allied races.

And yeah, the Sethrak don’t really fit the mold of an “Allied” race - they’ve no clear connection to any of the standing pillars of the Alliance. But… that’s also entirely true for the Vulpera, and people love them.

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I just like Sethrak.

My hatred for Mechagnomes is unconnected

And at this point, it no longer matters if they are in the horde, as long as they are a playable race.
You see, I know that the horde feels superior to what it has received, even more after what the alliance has received.

If sethraks can only be in the horde, then so be it.
I’m playing with 3 vulperas in the horde, even the horde as a faction with nothing but vulperas to me.

Nobody hates junkgnomes, even though they are nothing that would have done anything better for the image of the alliance, but do you expect us to accept this disappointment made to make fun of the alliance, smiling?
Sorry but the disappointment is great.

Well, that’s the purpose of them being created for the alliance, right?

I love my mechagnomes. I’m also very much for Alliance Sethrak.

Though that said I’ll happily take them Horde-side. Or Neutral. I just want my snek people.

Eh, we’ve thought of plenty of ways to get em Alliance. But you already know some of that I’m sure.

Don’t have to suffer with my Mechagnomes. They’re quite an amazing race for the Alliance to have.

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Nobody hates junkgnomes, even though they are nothing that would have done anything better for the image of the alliance, but do you expect us to accept this disappointment made to make fun of the alliance, smiling?
Sorry but the disappointment is great.

Sethrak fans really love using nobody followed by some kind of generalization about something. There are many sethrak fans which would disagree with you there. We frequently get a bunch of people saying that they hate mechagnomes cause of sethrak in the mechagnome love thread.


Well, I wouldn’t know how to say any of this, as I never entered this thread to say anything about junkgnomes.

Start here and scroll down. Notice the recent conversation.

I am not doubting you. Honestly, if there is a place where criticism or bitterness on this subject should not be, it is on this thread dedicated to junkgnomes.

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