Servers down?

oops my bad

Incoming increase again
 Getting kinda ridiculous considering all the changes to the dungeons did was remove a way for players who dont want to buy gold to effectively farm gold.

So ya’ll brought the LFG chat channel to the forums I see


2pm official.

yep we did

Think it’s far more related to them shutting off cloning than anything to do with that.

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I do not have net at work I can play on, blocked

Is there some blue post somewhere that says what they’re trying to fix? I read some random twitter posts that Gauntlets in certain dungeons were spawning infinite mobs or something.

Wonder how many people are actively hitting reconnect every second luls

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30 seconds past 1pm PDT. Waduhek Blizz

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It’s getting close to peak hours, if it keeps extending surely they’ll release a scrap of news

Maintenance notification guy has left the building
 Please try again at a later date.

There’s that, but classic wouldn’t also be down for just that.

100% has something to do with cloning.

the scrap is that this is planned maintenance :wink:

oof your service blows. We have two we can get on and do this kind of thing.

Give the guy a break. its lunch time now hes probably busy

:joy: it was planned, but not by blizzard

Nope, all is good

5 minutes after 1pm PDT they will push it back to 2pm PDT. Watch

Anyone get in?