Maybe, If I can’t take one day outta six months in the morning to take care of things and then have a game day.
yeah, some are saying they’re fixing ZA and some other random stuff…they probably could’ve waited on this though
theres no way all this happening because of boosting yo
we should get a free month bc blizzard isnt smart enough to enjoy their own game
Pre-Patch BOIS!
Same ol people whining about the same ol crap. You’d think after years of dealing with this same crap, people would be ready for “maintenance” to take way longer than they say. Amusing.
definitely not pre patch, they messed something up. pre patch would of had notifications send out
I mean as a customer i think wow gone to **** too much poop in their system to even run wow anymore as a normal mmo who cares about wrath let’s make money off of old content individually then throw it away right then fire the employees right then hire unsmart people to destroy it mess it up pay them then fire them ongoing process
They keep pushing back the maintenance by 1 hour. Yesterday the 26th, they already implemented the x2 XP buff. So I am not sure what is up with this maintenance.
There wasn’t supposed to be any maintenance today, its Wednesday not Tuesday, derp!
seems like Blizzard cant hold a date with wow ohh wait are those who rtrds
This just in, WoW will be unplayale until Blizzard figured out how they messed up, being updated on the hour.------------------------------
24hrs pass : They just keep adding an hour every hour, woe is we, woe is weeee.
1 week passes: I have forgotten the verdant forest of Elwynn Forest.
1 month: All i see is darkness before me.
EU laughing at us because they wont have this long of maintence tomorrow. we are the betas
Damn it’s been down 4 hours? I know within this near 500 posts someone is having a mental breakdown lmao.
Here’s some more entertainment:
When you log in, it says maintenance. Maybe I should have worded it differently with “this kind of maintenance” meaning; unusual maintenance day, or something.
Listen fire the employees fire urself go commit another game then maybe throw it away after making 18 years of progress hey you can also just throw it in the garbage right **** who cares about Joshua right ?
Just 1 more hour guys trust, just 1 more hour guys promise this time