Servers Down, Ruined Push?

Wanted to log on to finish my 1800 push before season ends at 3:00PM when prepatch starts but I’m getting a no servers available error message. Will they be up before 3:00? I need like 300 rating still on my Aug.

Probably a question for Blizz but maybe they’ll see it here

nope, not early enough to matter…go fish I guess…bummer… :slightly_frowning_face:

I probably only need a couple hours so I’ll sit around my pc and hold out hope for now


It’s Biebz, bro.

You can tell by the lack of elite set.


Oh, Biebz what happened to making a Dozer or Grandpopjim? This dragon is boring.

I’m surprised people don’t know it’s Biebz almost instantly.

I had the dragon already unfortunately :slightly_frowning_face:

Until servers are up and acct wide progress merges I can’t delete any chars to make new ones yet

Edit: dwagun*

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Make a Remi alt.

Remi is your Op not mine bruv

Why do you feel the need to ruin every good Biebz post? Like wow thanks officer you really made the world a better place today

Are you still really that upset about getting booted from disc?

There aren’t good ones, though.

If I go for quality over quantity will you stop snitching?



Is this your new vendetta after getting you to finally snap?

Just let me cook :man_cook:t2:

It’s just sad to see an actual, good poster go when one that doesn’t even play remains.

I firmly believe that if Kennie ever did snap it would be the start of World War 5.

I mean, he just admitted it lol

Did Duo really catch a vacation from all that?

kennie has always been as cool as a cucumber other than when he has to fight a mage for more than 4 seconds