Servers Down for 45 minutes now

you mean to tell me i now have to do the chores 3 hours before my wife gets home instead of 5 minutes before she gets home!!!

Procrastination cleaning is the best though

TLDR: …this is ALL part of the WoW Classic experience!

The way I see it, if you weren’t there, then this is “The End of Your World”. However, us “oldtimers”, ya know the gamers that made wow what it was, we know. Waiting outside gamestops and walmarts until 12:01am to buy the OG vanilla you’ve heard tales about, to get home, install for 2hours, then get server down, login queues, unexpected down times, server restarts, etc etc for months on end… this is ALL part of the WoW Classic experience!

Welcome new bros!

(Does anyone else love the taste of Night Elf tears?)


Karen Marsh?

I feel attacked by this post.

You know, I find that it is better to do all but one of the chores before they get home, then let them have a mild stress relieving butt chewing session over that one item. It isn’t too much nagging and they can vent. If you do everything perfectly all the time, then they have no gradual release and the first time you make any little mistake… BOOM!

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Found something:

“WoW got hammered by an infrastructure change with very unexpected results, we’re working to get everything back up asap.”

“The root of this one is an update to the teeny little service that bootstraps the VMs and delivers OS updates etc. Deployed fine in test, on Live, WoW did not approve and we locked up our file stores globally. We’re left with a lot of manual cleanup to get things moving again.”

“Thankfully WoW’s site reliability engineers are awesome and are churning through the work, we’re making sure there’s no other surprises waiting for us and then we’ll get you back in as quickly as we can.”


It’s ridiculous they don’t make a post on the forums, but will Tweet about it.


It’s been an hour now.

Someone contact SEC-DEF, tell him we need to modify the country’s DEFCON rating.

I blame streamers and their cult followers for crashing the servers.

Lets be reasonable… A named Npc will be sufficient. :smiley:

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it do be like sometimes

Alright, I’m already unsubbing and I suggest you all do the same.

This downtown is too long and for all the money Blizzard has, this wait time is unacceptable.

The company needs to get its you-know-what together. Boo.

I lived through FF14’s Stormblood launch. This is barely even a boo-boo, at best

is that what happened…?
see…people like you are
the problem…
you bow your head and salute ineptitude
instead of railing against it!
and when you support them in their
cheapness and laziness…they think
they’re doing ok.
and nothing ever gets better!

It is what it is. Their presence on their forums is non-existent.

Thats what the old people i work for do. They think if they non-stop complain it will act as a motivator to receive better service, but for millenials it does the oppositte. It makes us go, “So, you complain when I give you service I didn’t work hard for, and you complain when I give you service I worked really hard for, so why not just give you bad service?”

Thanks for sharing the info!

CONTENT DRAGS…will be the death of our game…
Remember where you read that…

for just 50cents a day you too can murder tons of wildlife and other people !