Servers Are UP!

Try exiting Bnet and restarting. Or restarting your computer. Not a guarantee, but tends to help fix these types of things.

Yeah, it has to compile your Warband.

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Can you imagine the heart attack the server is having lumping four characters together for millions of people?

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Restart Launcher. worked for me.

Nearly 60 and it was like 10 seconds




I wonder if they pre-cooked some accounts, because I feel like my conversion shouldā€™ve taken more than 10 seconds.

No servers are currently available

Wow might be online but Iā€™m still off line (Iā€™m at work)


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All you have to do is close the Bnet client and reopen it, thats how I fixed it for myself

My Hunter is holding his Bow like a Gun.
Is this a buff?

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looks awesome lmao

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Itā€™s been 84 yearsā€¦


BTW, Warbanks are currently disabled.

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Holy crap, itā€™s not a troll!

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Wellā€¦ hereā€™s why it didnā€™t take that long. LOL

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I just saw that.

I keep getting disconnected lol.

I keep getting an absurdly slow update. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

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Anyone else having trouble actually getting on? It keep disconnecting me.