Servers and Player control

Is there a plan on how many servers will be active for the release of classic? The same as retail or will it depend on the amount of players?

No idea. We are all waiting on this info.

Ion tweeted last week that the plan is for a “lean” number of servers, so I seriously doubt that we’ll see as many as retail. I’d be surprised to see more than a fifth of that number, frankly.


there has been no info released on how many servers at launch.

Not quite - we know there WILL NOT BE cross realm, we do NOT know if it will be cross realm BGs or not, nor have an answer on sharding.


Check out this Blue post bud.

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I feel like we all see the way things will play out is all. Large number of players at the start meaning servers will fill up quickly. But it’s obvious after the hype servers will start to decrease in numbers greatly over a month or so. I’m just curious how they will handle this, or if there wont be any handling at all. Oh your server died? Well if you want more people to play with roll another character on another server.

From what i’ve heard that was classic my guy :confused:. Though correct me if i’m wrong i’m not an expert.

Yeah for sure, i’m not against that at all. Just worried is all, the more people who play and stick around the better it is for the future of classic/tbc/wrath servers and so on.

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In my opinion, as few as possible.

They will start conservatively. They will shard them. Then they will watch the populations, see how the numbers come and go. The start will be rockier than not, I would expect queues early on, and I would expect that they WILL NOT add more realms just to mitigate queues. If more than a certain percentage of realms have queues for a long period of time, then they may open more up. But I’m betting they would rather drive players to other realms, or even drive them away for awhile, than create new ones. Just because one realm is popular doesn’t mean they need more realms if others are quiet.

Simply, any realm they create is going to be an albatross in the future when populations quiet down. Anyone interested in the game will come back when it’s less busy (they’ve waited this long, it’s not as if they don’t know what they’re going to see). Better to under provision early than be over provisioned later. It’s very difficult to remove realms once created, and they want to drive for population concentrations since they can’t do any cross realm stuff, and we know the game is better with concentrated populations (yes, even the ones “stealing your nodes” and “camping your quest mobs”).

The game isn’t going anywhere, the game will not outright fail, so they can trade an upset early player base for the long term health of the game.


There will always be people in it for the long haul. If you are worried about it try looking to the forum more for classic post on guilds. I actually am going to be running a casual guild that is in it for the two year or so progression. if you want stop by splintertreepostdotcom . :+1:

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That’s exactly what i’m praying they do.