*Serious Topic* PvP Gearing in BFA & Shadowlands

When you try to be clever and end up looking dumb.

Got any good reasons for keeping the current pvp gearing system over having vendors?

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The RNG lottery is more addicting for the masses, which quite possibly algorithmic studies have shown create increased ā€œEngagementā€ which in turn coincides with ā€œMAUā€ statistics.

Vendors = 0 Lottery simulation.

From a business perspective.

And yes I would prefer Vendors, of course.

Careful now. The forum regulars say that talking about rated pvp in here is not allowed. At least if youā€™re trying to use it in an argument.


All you anti-vendor folks, I will even start you off (from Blizzard themselves):

  1. Current system is less opaque than vendors
  2. Quest givers and unmarked chests are easier to find than vendors
  3. Everyone just bought everything from a vendor in the exact same order anyways, so this is a QoL change

Any other reasons out there?

Can anyone actually stand behind even these ones?

Wall of Text incoming. Straight from the mouth of Ion:

  1. There is a certain level of obscurity, you get this currency and new players might not know what it is for or where to use it.
  2. In practice there was generally an order which you purchased the items in.
  3. The value of a vendor is a feeling of control - that you can determine the path you are going to gear your character. The system we are pursuing will ATTEMPT to recreate and deliver all of those upsides through a system that is more transparent and offers rewards directly through the UI.
  4. Now PvP gear is actually competing with the rest of our reward systems. When we had vendors we had stats like resilience or pvp power, which made it irrelevant and clearly not the correct choice for a raider or someone trying to do other types of content.
  5. Whereas now it is all a single unified system. We think there is upsides there. It reduces the barriers of entry for PvP. You can use gear you got from other parts of the game and have fun in PvP content. One of the downsides is - we do need to take the rest of the game into account.
  6. We are trying to balance the attractiveness and desirability of between raid loot and PvP loot. Such as, how loot is attained and control. We believe the PvP systems offer the most control over getting the exact rewards that you want when you compare it to other endgame activities like M+ or raiding.

Lets go through those one at a time.

  1. The corruption system added in 8.3 is many times more ā€œobscureā€ than any iteration of honor/conquest points. We now have - Coalescing Visions, Vessel of Horrific Visions and Corrupted Mementos.
  2. For melee toons generally the weapon was first. With casters though there was no order. Normally you would replace your lowest ilvl piece, or replace a piece with a junk azerite trait for a good trait.
  3. Complete failure.
  4. Should keep the systems separate in order to provide proper balance to both - instead of trying (not trying in the case of Blizz) to balance both under the same conditions. To revitalize PvP gear as a whole it should have a certain stat that increases its effectiveness in PvP content.
  5. Instead of a feeling of unity it has created more of a division between the separate playstyles of PvE and PvP.
  6. Will never happen but, if they really want to balance the scales they would need to implement a cap on how many M+ dungeons can be run a week. Otherwise it will remain the go-to method for gearing efficiently.

Yikes, guess the BG forum was not enough - also getting some flak in general channel.

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That is one of the key things right there (Control) we had a little control how we gear our toons.

Where the upsides? players do not have control of their toons anymore.

Nope, try again If you have not done any type raiding You are left way behind.

So you made this choice for raiders for the most part that do not like pvp.
Howā€™s this, going so far, do you see even 35% participation from raiders? What about the PVP players are you making them raid more to keep up? YES.

Most of you top pvp streamers hate it and Iā€™m right there with them.

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In MoP I didnā€™t raid anything and thoroughly enjoyed every class / alt I played. The gearing catch up system for PvP made sense. People who were geared did more damage than those who werenā€™t. People werenā€™t doing top damage from random RNG procs.

When my character was geared, I PvPā€™d all day long. If I couldnā€™t play rated b/c my partners or my RBG team wasnā€™t online, I would go out to the islands and World PvP. Facing another hunter who was full SoO gear would crush me because he did more damage despite my PvP resil / PvP power. It didnā€™t bother me one bit, because World PvP was gimmicky and had the same guide lines as random Battlegrounds (which I never took seriously).

Every expansion since has gradually gotten worse for PvP. Iā€™ve played since Vanilla and Iā€™ve never had to Raid / PvE as much as I do now and still get my rear end handed to me by someones RNG procs in PvP.


Tbf, people like us donā€™t have to do dungeons.

Tbf people have a right to be annoyed with having a very sub par reward system to itā€™s counterpart. Irregardless of who they are.


Thatā€™s true too.

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