Serious Question: How Long?

Yeah come back to me when you’ve completed your master’s in data science and do database design, implementation, management and data analysis professionally. Then I might listen to you, but everything you just said is incorrect.

What is wrong with you? You think you no more about my field than me, you being in network ‘IT’? You’re actually telling me what data science is? You’re a clueless moron. How are you going to sit there and type out those things, be so wrong, and tell someone who does it for a living what it really is? It would be funny if it wasn’t so stupid.

Why don’t you go here and tell them with your degree in documentation reading that they’re wrong too.

Please. If you’d earned a master of science in any field you’d probably understand how a denial of service attack works.

Go to bed.

Just read their post about it again. I knew they did the above (redirected to a third party who then redirected clean traffic to them), I just wasn’t sure whether or not it was automated. I think I misunderstood something you said though, because going through it I realized that the attack was recognized by an automated monitoring system, which would be more difficult to do with a live service like this, as you said.

Sorry about that haha.

Curious about the second part still, though. As in, whether redirecting to a center like that could have any negative impact on players aside from perhaps a bit of an increase in latency, which would be inevitable anyway.

I mean, you keep saying things like “I build databases” and “I’m not a database manager,” before then going on to say “I not only design databases, I migrate and manage them.”
The fact that you keep insulting every other role in the industry as useless idiots who know less than you certainly isn’t doing your any favours. I mean, you said IT and people who write software are jokes who constantly need your guidance.

Sure, there are some software developers who are generally clueless about anything that isn’t their preferred language(s), but that’s not what you appear to be saying.

It’s also a little amusing that you belittle IT people and software developers for going to you if they have questions about your field. But based on the general tone of your comments, I guess I can understand why you might think people who recognize their limitations are flawed and bad.

Yeah I do, that’s why I am describing a way to mitigate them. Genius.

Yes most responsible companies are a little persnickity about their proprietary information.

Again: if this were so simple, DDOS would not be a global threat. It does not make sense that this issue exists in the present because it’s so easy to mitigate.

Here’s some homework: search for threat mitigation in a different context. If you really want to be enlightened, check out threat mitigation for mainframe systems (and then take a look at how long they’ve been around).

What you’re reading are sales brochures. This is how they sell IT managers on this stuff. Like I said before, covering this stuff to evaluate software is standard. Critical thinking is going to be an important skill for you when you get out into the real world.

Made the mistake of getting pulled into a couple of these threads. Enjoying just watching the tennis ball going back and forth tonight. Hehe.


Blizzard needs to contact the FBI imo. It is probably a state actor; china , trumps lover boy Jong Un, russia or iran . The 4 who seek to replace america in world dominance. I bet the american government has offensive tools that can stop the ddosing

I’m not going to take anything you say with any value, or even continue to read it since you don’t anything about what you’re talking about, and it being outside your field.

What a joke, no one should listen to this guy, he’s ignorant of how these things actually work.

And now we’ve moved on to ad hominem.

So part of the “fix” was to blacklist a bunch of ISP’s, IP ranges, and apparently linux connections. Bunch of us are unable to connect because servers ignore our packets. FFS.

Where did you see this? Just curious. That is such a basic tactic if it was just a blanket block.

Compelling reason to listen to you. All you’re doing is saying “you’re wrong, you know less than me, and here, enjoy a couple insults as well.” If she’s actually wrong, why don’t you enlighten us?

As someone who joined this thread part way through, you’ve given me no reason to believe you over Celessi or Algolagnist. Being needlessly combative isn’t enough to make someone change their mind, insulting people and entire professions doesn’t prove your point, and so far the only real opinion I’m getting of you is that you’re the type of person I dread having to work it. I don’t mean that as an insult, either. This field has more than a few people who firmly believe they know better than anyone else and refuse to listen to anything that doesn’t adhere to their ideas, and many of them aren’t as great as they’d like to believe.

I’m not going to say you aren’t actually as good or knowledgeable as you keep saying, but I’m certainly not going to believe it without reason.

The TL;DR of this is: the way you approach people you disagree with makes it almost certain that you’ll never come to an agreement or understanding.

Sept 8th-12th 2019 - WoW connection issues / WOW51900328 - #374 by Ithildraug-mankrik This thread

And this thread

I DO database design, implementation, and management professionally. I’m literally in charge of my team that handles this.

Data science is not synonymous with web-based databases. And you’re extremely unlikely to be getting hired to manage Azure databases with a background in data science. That’s way too technical for your background, because now you’re getting into being knowledgeable about cloud servers. I don’t want a masters in data science handling my network, I want someone with a minimum of a Network+ certification for that, while preferring them also have their Security+, and very highly preferring a computer science degree combined with that for the programming knowledge that is required for handling the network.

Your mistake was you found the word “data” and immediately thought of computers. Computers are only a tool that you’d use in the analysis of your data. Not to be confused with a database administrator, who is the person who manages a computerized database.

You’re so far off with what these jobs even do that it’s insanely easy to tell that you don’t do any of this for a living. I know what the people on my team do. And we DO NOT use data scientists in IT. If you really do have that degree, then you were hired into the administration department, where your job is primarily business analytics.

Stop lying to us, we’re not stupid.

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Forgot what I came here for…


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Why do you people never share? We need popcorn too for while we’re reading the idiotic replies that come in.

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Just waiting for my ISP to get unblocked by Blizzard.

I’m sure they’re working with authorities right now.
There’s a saying, prison is full of stupid people who thought they were smarter. Technology is always increasing to catch these people.

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