Benediction or anathema…PLEASE
A bow Transmog I can use on a priest, like a wand that looks like a bow.
Before there was Varian there was…
Wanna know why The Burning Legion never invaded Earth. He’s the reason… a cloth wearing warrior dual wielding melee AND ranged weapons. They knew he could tank and out dps their whole army. We need… NO… WE DESERVE chainsaw hand transmog in honor of this 1 man army. BTW… In a alternate universe instead of being called Ash… he is named Sly Marbo.
I’m boring so I’ll just say I hope they do another pair of cloak sets like they did this month with red and blue, but like, green and yellow, to symbolize the leaves starting to change color.
Like the brazilian colors, I support.
A little potted plant and boombox for my player house!
Oh wait…
A jet pack mount.
A brontosaurus AH mount that flies.
JK - I just wanted to bring up the brontosaurus mount first. Lol.
Aside from the Brutosaur mount, I’m hoping to see the Zhevra mount appear on the Trading Post someday.
It was originally given as one of the earliest recruit-a-friend rewards. I’d love to be able to get it on the Trading Post someday.
A crocolisk mount would also be awesome.
40 hands (maybe dwarf exclusive?)
Longboi. Just to watch the world burn.
Class sets that are more than 3 pieces and a weapon that doesn’t match.
Banner toys for the races that came AFTER Wrath.
Tabard of arcane
purple recolor of bikini plate armors
Purple rose hair clip
Hats that have hat hair underneath
More pink tshirts
Those chainmail bikinis
That TOV recolor icy blue hunter set
New hair styles
New makeup
More purple things
Those bedazzled zebra glasses that the df spa ppl wear
More colors booty shorts
Trex mount
Trex pet
Those vampire ball gowns from SL
Also those vampire corset tops and knee high boots from SL
Replica staff of Gul’dan.
Don’t you mean scissorhands? Like in the movie Edward Scissorhands? Would be cool to make a transmog based off that film!
I’ll be saving my tenders. Not buying any of the September class sets. If they do a new color for the cloaks/scarves I’ll snag that but that’s it. Have to save up for the druid weapons in Oct, the monk set and weapons in Nov and the mage set and weapons in Dec.
Edit: what I really want is the RaF Explorer set or at the very least the recolor that was datamined not long ago.
steamroller mount
flying monkey pet
tin foil hat
construction hard hat
orange safety construction vest
tin foil mog set
pouch belts like the ones from Naruto
panda mount
duck mount
pink poodle pet (we need more dog pets in game)
reindeer mount (all year around and not talking about the holly that one last an hour)
turkey mount
I like this idea.
We could have some of the new mogs attached to the Trial of Style vendor, so the event doesn’t get stale.
I’ll be saving quite a few tenders by ignoring these “sets”. But that’s ok. I’ve missed out on quite a few of the mounts so I need to save up anyways.
which hearthstones do you still have in your bags?
…you know they were changed to toys… right?
you can just delete them.