orc hunter/ tauren dk
I mainly remember Runninggrass, elga, and wolfspirit.
orc hunter/ tauren dk
I mainly remember Runninggrass, elga, and wolfspirit.
wow, hey RG how are you doing? its warass lol blast from the past.
Oh so many memories! I remember Palehoof and others!
I used to play Kylana, Tauren Shaman Raid Healer. (MC40, etc).
Sentiles is on of the servers I played on along with many alts. but Kylana was my main!
You can find me on Bloodsail in Classic, and sad to say, I’m also Alliance now. (Someone took my Kylana name by the way… so Kylanna, along with other alts that start with Ky).
Akhos? Well there’s a name I haven’t heard in a good decade or so. I played (rather poorly might I add) a Forsaken Warlock named Vivec, and I remember doing ZF with you a million times to get you a certain two handed epic sword. That and killing flagged Alliance during the AQ opening (and promptly getting steamrolled by three times our numbers).
Good times mate!
hey guys what’s crackin’
i used to be:
Peredhel (Troll shaman)
Manwendil (Blood elf paladin)
Raija (Troll rogue)
Zivvix (Goblin rogue)
Snozzik (Goblin mage)
and many of these names are pinging on my memory radar. what’s up guys
Mommy says you should write more often
Anyone remember Zeldendorf/Zelendorf the Undead Warlock / Human DK?
Hey there. Maybe it’s been forever, but your name and race/class stand out. I’m not sure if you’d remember me. I played a Troll Shaman and Hunter in your guild. I think the names were Tak and Ishmi or something like that.
Hi All!
I played Rikka and Lyra on Sentinels, Horde side.
I was one of the GMs of
Looking to reconnect with any of the old crew!
I am currently playing Rykka on the Bloodsail Buccaneers server in Classic WoW!
Yeah, He was one of the few people who got PVP titles. He and Swingy.