<Senile> - Illidan [H] New CE Guild Recruiting for S4 & TWW

pumpers wanted. apply within

to the top!

LF for more ranged. first raid tomorrow

new season new guild

to the top!

Tank druid looking for a home with past CE experience and Mythic experience off and on.


trialing a tank this week, but please add us or fill out an application so we have it for reference if you are still looking in the near future!

dee pee ess needed!

back to the top we go

good morning dps players

if you hit your dps buttons and dont fall over in raid hit us up! need more ranged!

lf more. hit us up

ranged dps wya!

back to the top!

pre bedge bump. ranged plz

gm gamers aberrus next reset

bumping back to the top

I am interested and sent “redonkulous“ a message on discord

morning bump for ranged dpsers

looking for more!