Selling of accounts - Is it common?

Tbh people on either side of that spectrum are unlikely to come here and say “i quit”. People selling are usually hyper competitive players who either do that on the regular (as in they make new accounts every season to sell Glad/R1 accounts at the end of it) or simply want to make some money out of their time investment in the game when their life gets to the point they can’t be as competitive with it as they used or or hell, just are bored of it.

People buying these are either people who played the game but got banned and want some stuff back or people just with more money than common sense.

It used to be common as far a I remember.

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Had a guildie try to do it way back in BC because they were broke. They stopped short when a few of us threatened to report it. We were worried it might come back to hurt everyone in the guild as the person was our GM at the time.

That’s a good point, as more older players quit there could be an increase in accounts being sold since they could be pretty valuable.

Mute linked that earlier in this thread.

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At this point in the expansion the amount of money or work that must be invested in getting an account to a high rating must be hideous for an individual to do. Things have changed a lot in PvP since the first month.

I had a similar experience during MoP. The difference was that my friend’s account was hacked.

Not good times at all.

However, I remember a time when people flipped accounts constantly. This was back when the gold sellers would hack the game and spell out their messages in the Stormwind Trade District with dozens of identical mages, or whatever they were.

Those were *interesting * times.


Extremely common dating back to 2004

People do it. I’ve seen ads on Craigslist. But usually they vastly over-value what someone will pay. Like “Twenty max level characters, three of them ready to raid, all professions at max: $2000.” And they would always say how many years they put into the game, like they had been working on a pay-per-hour basis or something.

I personally think it’s idiotic even if it wasn’t against the rules. But I am one of those weirdos who like to play the games I am playing.

Idk, there was a time where if you tried logging on your account from a different location you had to verify through your email associated with your bnet. 2014 give or take a year or so

I would travel about 30mins to my parents house, stay for a few days. I had to email verify once when I arrived, then again when I got back home.

I would think buying the account wouldnt necessarily give them email access. Unless someone only made the account for the purpose of selling, and had the forethought to set up a junk email.

Granted I dont think they do the email verify anymore. When we moved counties a couple years ago, I dont remember having to verify.