Looking for The Chosen and Mythic Guldan runs, Wildhammer server.
EDIT: Sorry, won't be able to do it. Thank you.
Looking for Chosen, I've added the contact you listed. Pyrol_____ is the battletag.
Looking for Chosen, I've added the contact you listed. Pyrol_____ is the battletag.
Hi I would like to book a The Chosen run. My Btag is revan#1155
04/11/2018 02:11 AMPosted by InnolynSale Schedule: (updated 07/10/2018)
Gul'dan Mount:
July 17 - Full
July 24 - Open
July 31 - Open
August 7 - Open *last guaranteed run due to BFA launch*
Mythic Antorus:
July 17 - Open
Hi there! My hubby and I would like to buy a mythic gul'dan kill please, we have the gold =3
WTB Heroic Argus run. btag: bowler#1629
If there's any spots left I wouldn't mind purchasing a gul'daniel mount assuming you folks are still doing this.
If there's any spots left I wouldn't mind purchasing a gul'daniel mount assuming you folks are still doing this.
Aye. If there are any spots open for Guldan mount I would love to purchase it. Battletag LuckyTiger111585
i would love to sign up for a gul'dan mount run if still open bnet: haps94#1412
Hey are you still doing carries for mythic guldan mount? If so I'd be interested in joining in your group and claim the mount.
updated for heroic uldir
yay uldir runs :3
prices lowered! cross-realm buyers are fine!
prices slashed even further, next run 11/6/2018!