Sorry Blizzard said selling raid or dungeon loot is bannable.
Guess you gonna have to farm gold some other way.
Sorry Blizzard said selling raid or dungeon loot is bannable.
Guess you gonna have to farm gold some other way.
Farming gold is gross I’ll just print money with alchemy alts every 2 days
Look at all the swipers seething.
Bro has his copy pasta notepad open and firing away tonight
I’m looking forward to the crying threads about being banned for GDKP when Blizzard gets back.
There won’t be it will just be you talking to yourself on alts with the occasional post from me or drink
Cool but everybody is out here still selling things in 5 mans and not getting banned.
They don’t ban instantly. How new are you to this game lil bro.
He doesn’t actually believe any of this, hes mentally ill and gains something from the attention
Sure, but it’s a silly rule. And one way to bypass it is to sell the runs, not the item drops.
They don’t ban at all for the 5 man things being sold like princess and DM tribute runs. That is a fact. Were doing it rn did it all of 2019 and SOM
They said there is no way around this.
if you try anything smart they will just change the rule and ban you anyway.
yes its the same policy applied to anniversary realms
Is that why you only try dumb things
Mad you can’t get around this rule with stupid tactics.
They aren’t as clueless as you are.
It isn’t really a way around it, it’s not selling items. It’s selling runs, as per very normal farms for some classes. Why remove farming?
It’s like banning aquatic form for druids… silly.
I don’t need to, the pre bis grind ended 2 weeks ago Go take your meds
You are mad you lost this conversation.
Not really, are you mad you can divide your post count by 41 and get your weight?
I’m not mad.
I’m doing this to make loot sellers mad.
I don’t care personally about this.
I was going to do it myself. But since it’s against TOS I’m not.