Seize Two Sets of the Dreadlord's Regalia!

I suppose that if the player creates a look that is considered sexist toward women itʻs fine but if the company does it … well, then fruitbowls happen.

So are all the mogs going to be stripper costumes now? It’s cool if that’s what you want to wear, but some actual armor would be nice.


People ask for skimpy stuff… they finally give us skimpy stuff… other people complain about skimpy stuff…

Blizz can’t win.

But Nui’s comment about the Firepulme Regalia makes the most sense for options.


Too demon hunter for my taste

:dragon: :ocean: :dragon: :ocean:

Would look good on Jaina


I kind of wish we got longer shorts without the mid thigh leggings.

Male nightborne have some really fabulous leg tattoos and I’d love to show them off without looking too under-armored.


Breathe of fresh air y’know :smiley:

Different people like different things?!

You quoted what I said but didn’t even read it? LOL

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Is the belt the part with the side armor bits on the leg, or is it baked into the pants?

Nah, love witch sets were much better, but this one is okay.

I have a feeling it’s baked into the pants. It looks like a remodel of the Love Witch sets we just got.

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It’s also skimpy on my Male Elves and I love it


Sold! To the shady shadow priest in the back.

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Can confirm baked into pants unfortunately. Yeah, I’d like some options without waist guards.


tiny wings…typical


I know right and I have them I never use them as they tend to be stiff and waaaaay to tiny make any DH or Evoker (humanoid form) transmog look cool or natural (IMO)

I wish they scale them or better yet re-visit them to add some more animations and sizes… as I think (haven’t check) they should look ok for the smaller races.

pressed for cash huh

Is it pressed for cash or they just know they’ll make a good amount of money from them? Remember, Blizzard made more money from the Sparkle Pony than they did Starcraft 2, which was 6 million copies sold.

More like rolling in it.