Seething Shore Bug/Cheat

I honestly can’t remember names. It was an unholy dk though and yours appears to be frost. I rallied everyone to mass report the dk and either he /afk’d or our mass report got him kicked.

That is one of several things it could imply, yes. It is hard to tell.
Look at the beginning of the video. A shaman is there helping to cap the node but the suddenly freaks out, tstorms, and runs off. The tstorm and running away makes me think melee enemy is right there on him but he doesn’t take any damage. And look at the other shaman and the rdruid in that same area, they’re kind of just aimlessly lingering around; rdruid is in travel form and neither the druid or the shaman look like they’re trying to kite.

You can also see him recieve a flame shock debuff towards the end of the video, so someone can apparently see him as he “should be”, as in, on the ground fighting. Very interesting. I’m going to hold judgement on people doing this intentionally. This is just too strange of a situation.

It looks like he’s targeted budgie who is a paladin. The crap hitting him from the ship is from a demon hunter. The paladin targeted is the one being hit with a flame shock. The paladin could very well be on the ground elsewhere on the map. Double watch in case I am misinterpreting things.

Also at 25 sec of the video, the druid keyboard turning lol. I love a good keyboard turn.

Good catch, you’re totally right. However, in the beginning of the video, you can see the resto druid being attacked by that ret paladin (You can see the judgement debuff), and he’s nowhere nearby, leading me to believe he is also on the airship.

Also, adding to this, that shaman was casting backwards at that point in the video lmao.

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This is turning into one of those videos you see in WoW meme compilations. All we need is to edit in the spanish guy laughing.


I keep trying to rewatch it but now I just get tickled at the druid turning with the “a” key.

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This has been happening since day 1 of BfA, and honestly, since any fix hasn’t been launched to this day, i’m almost sure they don’t give a damn about it.

I honestly give up at second one when I’m in Seething Shore, I find this an insult to the player who does /reload and still doesn’t get it fixed.


Just happened to me with a BM hunter rocking me from the ship while his two Dino’s ripped into me. I could see his arrows coming from the ship.

Thank you Ive seen this so many times. And I ask people if theyre on the ship and they dont know. Has happened multiple times.

This has been an issue ever since Seething Shore was released. I’ve discovered if you’re able to right click on their name (using battlegroundenemies/battlegroundtargets addons) and report them for cheating, it will boot them from the ship and force them onto the field. I keep a generic copy/paste message ready just in case this happens whenever I get involuntarily thrown into this battleground. Good luck~

They are never on the ship, it’s just looks like that to you because of some graphics issue. From their point of view they are on the ground.

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News Flash!
Nobody was on the boat! /reload
Now they are in our faces.

This is still happening Blizzard. Fix it or remove the map.

I have also experienced it couple of time, was wondering if I was going crazy since I got slaughter the whole game by someone on the ship and could do nothing about it.

Edit: was on my horde toon, never seen it on alliance side

How is this still happening? Unbelievable that we pay for this and it’s broken from top to bottom.

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Had it happen to me a few times. Including somehow almost unkillable hunter pets on the ground and hunter shooting from the airship. I thought that this is some feature of this crappy BG, and was trying to figure out how to do it too, jumping around the cannons on our airship, trying to shoot down, noting worked. I am horde 100% since Wrath.

Make a /reload macro, with seething shorey logo to remind yourself.
Create some Star Wars screenshots too. :smile:

lmao, a graphical bug will not put them out of your casting range, you could still cast on them but they would appear far away, aka on the ship.

::edit:: holy necrothread batman, why was this ressed?

If it’s still a problem it may as well still have a thread. I’ve seen it happen a few times, but it’s hard to say how they could be doing it (if it isn’t just something graphical/lag related).

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