Seeing people complain about TBC feels like the 5 stages of grief

Denial, then anger, then bargaining, then depression, and finally acceptance.

Seems like we’re getting posts that follow that pattern. Just a fun thing I noticed.


I will go straight from acceptance to cancelling my sub if my level 60 character with hundreds of hours played with gear I have spent hundreds of hours farming, gets forced to TBC.

I would roll fresh, but I do not want my hundreds of hours spent farming gear to be reset. I want to be able to get to a point where I can say “Its been done, I have the best gear for my class in the game”. Even if I never play the character again, I can still say I’ve beaten the game to what I consider to be my goal.


the survey seems to suggest that it’s very likely that classic will exist alongside TBC. I really hope this is the case.

I’d probably mainly play TBC, but I agree with you, I’d like to “beat” classic, and at the rate I’m going that probably wont be until after TBC is released.


No, what you are seeing is trolls.
Mostly talking out their buttocks and spewing nonsense, trying to get people that happen by the thread mad and i guess quit.

Of course they are dumb for assuming that any sizable amount of the playerbase actually reads these forums, because they dont.

You wont.
Don’t take the crap in this forum as any kind of indication of how things will go.
Most of it is just a bunch of idiots trolling to start drama, because that is what they do, they think it is fun for what ever reason.

dude just accept it, it’s coming , and you will play it!!


Gnomes. Gnomes are the source of all things bad.

How about no?

Me and the rest wont be playing TBC so CAN it, shortie.

There’s the denial and anger I was talking about


um, you are really making your self look dumb right now.
I will help you out, try looking at my POST history.

The only denial here comes from you who refuses to comprehend that not everyone who plays Classic will play TBC.

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TBC is just so boring. I don’t want to go back to it. Its like retail but not polished.

if someone says tbc is bad because of flying, resilience or dailies, then odds are they have never played it and are only regurgitating the same tired lines from reddit and the forums


…? flying means the world dosen’t matter anymore its just you and the skybox.
resilience means gear dosen’t matter anymore, just the retail mentality of getting the cookie cutter stats without a guild or community gearing you to become the “GUY” who then can help other people become the “GUY”
Dalies should not exist in an MMORPG quest should be a journey or a feat of strength you over came with epic or legendary friends.

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Endurings point has been proven. Thanks.


nah only one stage for TBC


arenas vomits

PSA death match is for plebs people, always has been, always will be

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yeah ranked arenas are for plebs, ganking lowbies and questers in world pvp and 10 man premading on discord vs undergeared randoms is where the real skill is at.



Why does everyone jump to this?

They are NOT going to do that!

This is an example of the most often used argument made by those who are not good at a playstyle.

Thanks for the visual aid.

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Everyone is good at the play style

That’s the point

Relative to WSG que filled with gods, lol

Who can’t figure out a matchup after seeing it 50x? Even the worst mouth breathers.

It’s a no skill format, as proven by the retailers who have gotten smoked in actual objective ppv all classic.

“you’re not good at using a flowchart that’s why you don’t like arena” lul yea ok bud

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Don’t forget on how they talk about every class beign unique in classic but everyone chooses engineering to pvp half descently and buys hundreds of FAPs.

how are those two things in any way mutually exclusive? lol