I don’t think people are asking for it to be meta. It should just fit the description.
A versatile healer who can reverse damage on individuals or groups and even heal from beyond the grave
(emphasis mine)
Playing whack-a-mole in raids and M+ is certainly not my idea of versatility. Guess to each their own, but I would think of something that has multiple tools in its kit (which we_do_ have) that are all useful in various situations. Except our primary AoE healing tools (Prayer of Healing, Circle of Healing, Holy Word: Sanctify) are Fisher Price versions and so our only option is to use a mallet, and, for Archon, I guess, to rely on a 1 minute cooldown (Oracle has a convoluted redistribution mechanism requiring multiple CDs on a ~ 2 minute CD that isn’t reliable).
So… yeah, it’s capable of healing 10s and 11s… and there’re a few individuals even further beyond that, but even with the lower keys and trying to help other individuals… it feels kind of push up one health bar at a time—oop, gotta move, hope I have enough emergency CDs to stabilize people until I can stop moving—oh crap, out of instants, and … dead.
And it’s not just M+ with this… it’s raid now. Why are we Lightweaving in raid? (It’s a rhetorical question, PoH/CoH/HW:Sanct are all horrendously undertuned) Using Holy Word: Sanctify purely to boost the healing on Heal feels criminal, it should be moving bars on its own.
We shouldn’t be the best at everything, but we should be capable of everything. Versatile. I wouldn’t mind if there are talents to improve on one specific aspect of healing if people want to play whack-a-mole, but a while back there was a decision that no one healer is a “tank healer.” Even if it requires some set-up, I want to respond to AoE damage with AoE healing spells… not… Flash Heal → Heal → … .
Chakras, Divine Word… these are things I think are themed around versatility. Maybe not being able to immediately respond to all forms of damage, but we’re reactive healers, we’re the one healer that gets nothing for free (no damage while healing, no healing while damaging). We should be able to handle AoE damage, and we’re uniquely the one healer that reliably can’t.