Secret Forums Allegedly Used for Feedback

They are doing that with almost everyone’s replies then when pointed out they try to deflect and make it out as if you didn’t understand/take it in full context :confused:


There seem to be a handful of people these days who barge into every thread to take out their grudge against “the man”.

“The man” seems to include everyone more knowledgeable, or just more polite, than they are.

Maybe covid has people going stir-crazy and it’s spilling over. /shrug


why be shocked, most of the feedback that people are giving on these forums are complaints, whining, raging etc etc etc

if you give an opinion that is different from the majority, you are called a fanboy or your posts are reported and flagged, don’t say anything that goes againts the majority because forums have to be a safe space for some persons

for example, look at the people who are raging, crying that heirlooms don’t give xp anymore, even if the new lvling system goes faster, it doesn’t matter for them

I don’t really care all that much really. OwO

you mean the part you can strawman into oblivion?

Again, is this line of elitism not what got us here?

Look at where this hero worship got you. your reply is that people who aren’t worshipping men hard enough is the problem.

ever see “the manchirian candidate” with Frank Sinatra?

“Raymond Shaw Is the Kindest, Bravest, Warmest, Most Wonderful Human Being I’ve Ever Known in My Life”

Dude, you’re coming across like a rabid chipmunk.


I don’t know if chipmunks have cogent arguments, but I do know a chipmunk would probably read something he knows he would disagree with more than you would right now.

Therefore the sneering, insulting, non-replies.

I think people should consider how much of these forums have turned into noise because of the sheer amount of trolling or highly specific pet issues that tend to dominate any or all discourse.

I think it totally makes sense to listen to a group of people whose feedback they value more-- I just don’t know if it’s necessarily going to be feedback that makes me more passionate about the game, because either it’s a numbers balancing discussion (which I wouldn’t have valuable feedback for anyway) or it’s story and RP feedback, and I’m sure at least some of those folks have good or interesting ideas.

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I would reply if you actually said anything, but all you’re doing is posting a lot of hot-winded words about… nothing, really. That’s why nobody’s taking you seriously.

Maybe if you could dial back the anger 20 notches and say something that would make sense, people would be willing to engage.


Oh I did say something though. Let me quote the salient parts:

Okay. But what if they assemble such a group and then just ignore them, anyway? That’s the problem.

I am honestly okay with the whole secret forums thing. It makes sense to me that the people who spend so much time and effort crunching the numbers and running the sims for fun have a better understanding than I do of how a class functions.

I’m just an average player, very casual at that. Nine times out of ten, I’m just going to look up the optimal talents/gear/enchants for my class on icy veins. The people who run those websites did the legwork for me. I don’t really want to bother with that kind of stuff. I log into WoW to kill stuff and have fun, not run mathematical equations.

That being said, I find it troubling that the devs don’t seem to be listening to those players who put the effort in anymore. I don’t care for the direction that the game is heading in, and I haven’t for quite some time. I was unsubbed for most of this xpac, and I just cancelled my sub again. Probably won’t bother playing SL until 9.1 or so when this stuff is sorted out.

I can’t help but compare how the devs communicate with this community with how other game devs communicate with theirs. It’s like night and day. Do the WoW devs actually give a crap about this community? My opinion is no. And that is just my opinion. However, what i’ve seen over the last few years has solidified that opinion in my mind.

I’m all for the secret forums, if they actually work. I feel like the devs could gain some valuable insight from the work of others. The problem is that our devs seem to believe they know what is best no matter what. I know that one voice in so many doesn’t carry much weight, so I do what I can and vote with my wallet. When I feel like the game is worth playing, I resub. When I’m not happy with it, I unsub. What else can an average player do?

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It’s possible. We’ll never know if they do unless people talk about it, and I haven’t seen anybody talk about it.

Uh… there’s a 500+ post thread where it’s being talked about.

I find it counterproductive to care too much about things I can’t change. This is one of them.

That said, I’m not bothered by a confidential forum. That would actually be a very useful way to get high-quality, actionable advice. What’s troubling is that having set it up, at least if I can credit the rumors, they’re ignoring it.

I mean it’s common knowledge the “Black Harvest” was a group of these players partly responsible for how well Warlocks turned out in MoP.

So it adds up. Shame there weren’t any other groups as dedicated as them. But we all know how that turned out in the end so it’s likely the devs are ignoring these secret forums as well now lol.

(Statement): Unit Exacitor is still waiting for credible sources that it even exists, and is in fact not some made up story by someone who hates the game and needs a conspiracy theory to cope with the fact Blizzard doesn’t listen to their feedback specifically.

I mean I haven’t really seen a specific scenario of “this is what I posted on the secrets forums, and this was how and why my feedback was ignored by a specific dev” in this conversation.

But linking to said 500+ post thread would be helpful.

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Sure, here ya go.

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I’m fine with it. this entire form is filled with disingenuous people and trolls.

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