I have a growing suspicions that Azeroth is somehow in cahoots with Life. Her connection with this very force is visible in so many cases, It’s began to show a much greater importance of Nature for our world than we realize.
When Azeroth is attacked, she tries to throw out every alien force except Life. Void and Fel are obvious enemies. Xal’atah herself says that Azeroth resisted her. She opposed Death when Zoval tried to use her. She doesn’t like what Order did to her, so she rebelled some Earthen against Keepers. I don’t know anything about example of Light. But I think Beledar have been shot into the planet core intended to turn Azeroth into a light titan . Some will say that Everbloom may be an evidence of attack by Nature on some world. But notice one thing - Everbloom was created by to much of spirit, not pure LIfe energy. It is an element, not a cosmic force. Although extremely connected to Nature, I don’t think that the any Life god planned this event.
No other power has a dimension as close to our world as the Emerald Dream. If this is Order’s doing, why titans didn’t create a dimension that imagines Azeroth as a paradise for them. Instead they took care of a dimension heavy infuenced by enemy pantheon. Dream world, is a literal copy of ours. Helping to traverse the real world and having a significant influence on it. It is undeniable that ED is connected with our world in some, yet unknown way. If this is truly Azeroth’s dream, doesn’t that mean that it is her perfect vision of herself? What she really want to be?
In Legends of Azeroth, Elune is considered a daughter of our planet by Taurens. Even if they are not truly related or all the cosmic forces are her children. Only she, The Deity of Life, is considered to have a close enough relationship with Azeroth to be called family. Night elves believe that Elune was sleep in the well of eternity during the day, which could be a metaphor for their conversations.
All Azeroth is infested with life and she has no problem with that at all. All mortals, wild gods, biomes full of forests and all life, World trees, are welcome as we see with Amirdrassil connection to Azeroth through the Aspects. It has been mentioned many times that life energy/spirit helps heal Azeroth or she needs it for something. Only this magic is tolerated in larger quantities, by the world soul. It seems that Azeroth for some reason wants as much life as possible on herself.
The two most important mortal agents of Azeroth are Magni and Orwenya. The first may not be closely connected to Nature but he helped us save Azeroth throughout BFA and showed us where to go in TWW. There we meet Orwenya who is more interesting case. She’s directly chosen by Azeroth as her speaker, without any previous rituals. We don’t know who the Harranir are exactly. A link between the Trolls and the Night Elves, creatures created by Elune or Eonar? But they are undeniably a druidic race deeply connected to the dream. They are the guardians of the roots of the tree, that was created, by the two most powerful gods of life we have known. And a person from this race was chosen by Azeroth. She rejected every other cosmic force. So why are these extremely connected to nature, Dream, Elune and Eonar Harranir become her champions?
My theory assumes that Azeroth needs the power of Life to awaken. For over thousands of years she was dormant or attacked from all sides. The experiments and imprisonment by the Titans, corruption of the old gods, sword of Sargeras, Zoval sucking her blood, all of this should’ve weakened her. And yet, after Shadowlands at the beginning of Dragonflight the soul of the world began to wake up. What could have caused such a sudden increase in Azeroth’s activity between SL and DF, even though the last few years were difficult for her? Amirdrassil. The timeline here is perfect. When the dragon islands starts to wake up, Amirdrassil began to fully mature. It had less than 2 years left to bloom, that power certainly affected Dream and Azeroth itself. Which made Azeroth more aware.
Maybe that was the most important goal of Elun’ahir. The combined power of Elune and Eonar not only destroyed the Void, but was suppose to be used to awaken Azeroth. Which Aman’thul did not like. At that time Azeroth wouldn’t awaken as a full Titan what the Time father wanted or didn’t want another pantheon to have influence over her. At the moment of tearing out the tree Eonar decided to betray the Titans and together with Elune secretly planned to awaken Azeroth. Elune is the only goddess who in many legends personally spoke to Azeroth, so at some point they contacted each other.
Elune sent trolls who believed in her to the well of eternity and Eonar Harranir to the roots to guard key places for their plan. Kaldorei at some point became too focused on Arcane so perhaps Cenarius’s teaching of the night elves wasn’t just the good will of a demigod, but making sure they are on the right path, more aligned to Nature. The next project, Tear of Elune that we see in Legion was another attempt to free Azeroth. We know that Eonar and Elune at some point had a tear so they must work on her. Placed in Val’sharah, it slowly and secretly absorbed energy of dream to become the new Elun’ahir. But then the Shadowlands came. Tyrande, reaching Ardenweald, opened the gate for new source of power, Elune saw opurtunity to use death. to create even stronger seed. The pure power of Life, Rebirth and anima, mixed with the energy of the arcane during the seed’s stay in the Emerald dream controlled by Eonar, created a much stronger tree that helped awaken Azeroth, which now she sends a vision to mortals.
The Harranir story is slowly speeding up. I think they will be key figures in the World Soul saga. But the works of this trio do not end with Amirdrassil. Their network of power is growing all the time. The Stones of the World and the existence of the worldclaimed Frysworm indicate that Freya had her own secret group of Earthen druids. Where they are now is not exactly stated. Erinethria the green dragon somehow managed to get across the Storming Sea, which is speculated some higher being (ahem, Golganeth, ahem) did not want anyone to cross over. I think it’s impossible without the intervention of a higher power of similar strength for one dragon to be able to break through such powerful magic alone. Green dragons are most closely associated with Elune and I believe it was she who helped Erinethria break through the barrier. The second to break through is the night elf captain Nightsquall. A mere mortal still managed to achieve what Erinethria did. It’s an interesting coincidence that the two races most closely related to Elune have managed to do something that no one else has managed to do for thousands of years. (It also makes a lot of sense if Elune and Tidemother are the same person) Evidently now Elune wants mortals to reach the other side of Azeroth for some reason. Another group are the Heretics Dwarfs, banished by Odyn. Given free will by Azeroth, they fled to Avaloren where they resist Odyn’s forces. Agents of this alliance for some reason slowly make it to the other side of the Storming sea.
In the saga finale, in addition to freeing Azeroth from the titans bondage, I think that the forces of Nature will play an extremely important role in her release. Knowing that Eonar is actively working against the titans from inside, the increasingly frequent actions of Elune and the awakening of Azeroth itself, it may turn out that Life, like in the War of the Ancients, once again lead us to the fight against another danger.