<Second Attempt> LFM Late Night Raiding

Seeking more talent!
Looking for more talented players!
Keeping it on the up and up!
Looking for more exceptional players for late night raiding and a great gaming organization!
Sent you a Battletag request
Sounds good. Seeking more talented players!
Seeking more talented players! BFA drops tomorrow!
Keeping it up for that BFA raiding!
Looking for more! BFA today!
Seeking more talent!
If my boy helious still around wiping the raid im in
Lol. Helious the Holy Paladin?
Seeking more talent for BFA raiding!
Looking for more talented players for late night raiding!
Seeking more talent!
Looking for more!
Hello. Are your raid times staying the same for BFA?

"We raid from 12:30am - 3:30am EST (11:30pm - 2:30am CST Server Time) Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday!"

Thank you.
I'll send you a bnet request to talk with you as I'm interested in joining since the raid times would be great with my schedule.
Asclepios, yes, those have been long standing raid times that we've held for the last 8 years. Prior to that we raided 25 hours a week.

Lexande, awesome, sounds great!
Looking for more!