<Second Attempt> LFM |CE| late night raiding

Streaming live at twitch.tv/indofear Looking for more

Looking for more amazing and talented players for Mythic late night raiding! Come join boys and girls!

Looking for more! Finishing up my new AMD Ryzen 3950x build this weekend, but otherwise I will be streaming as soon as it is done and available throughout the weekend to answer questions and set people up for trials!

On the up and up and up!

Do u have a discrod tag i would be able to reach a officer at about healer options


To the top!

Looking for more! Streaming on my new rig tonight at twitch.tv/indofear :slight_smile:

To the top!!

Seeking more talented players for late night Mythic raiding!

Up for more!

Looking for more talented players.

Up up and away!

Seeking more talented players!

Mythics released today! Let’s go!

Looking for more.

Seeking more talented players for late night Mythic raiding!

Raiding now! twitch.tv/indofear :smiley:

Good night!!

Looking for more talented players! Heroics tonight! Streaming live at twitch.tv/indofear starting around 8:30pm PST