Season of Mastery PvP Ranks


PvP ranks are NOT accumulating more quickly in Season of Mastery.

From Blizzard’s own thread regarding the PvP system, here is the formula for rank gains each week:

(this_week’s_expected_points - current_ranking_points) * rate_factor.

Rate factor is 0.4 for SoM. It was 0.2 in classic.

In week 1, current ranking points is zero (you haven’t earned any ranks yet).

If this week’s expected points is 65,000 (this is what standing 1 earns, which was confirmed in a separate post) then the person at the top of the standings in SoM should earn (65,000 - 0) * 0.4 = 26,000 ranking points… which puts you at 20% into rank 7. No one earned rank 7 on any server this week.

The formula for classic would have been (65,000 - 0) * 0.2 = 13,000… which puts you at 60% into rank 4… which is what happened on every server in SoM this week.

Please fix before we have a 2nd week of slow ranking!

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I agree, I would also suggest that this nonsense of 10% decay is nothing aside from wishful thinking. I have a couple of my own posts on the regular forum, as well as posts predating SoM launch where I discussed the pvp system etc.

My more recent post may be found here: