Season of Mastery Design Intentions, Part 2 of 2

Can we atleast get a taunt on pallys. Is that to much to ask for? oh and give both shaman and pally on both sides.

Glad to see new unnecessary realms getting so much developer time while realm populations continue to rot.

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In the context of that sentence, it sounded more like they were saying that it would remain at the same drop rate as it currently is in classic era, as opposed to waiting till a later phase to increase it. Still probably going to be rare af

good. we don’t want people playing who insist on the entire game changing because muh moonkin raiding is sooo important :roll_eyes:

newsflash: you aren’t special. raiding is a TEAM game. pick the right spec for raiding or don’t play.

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blizzard: no major class changes
you: ok but pally taunt?

can you people take the hint please :exploding_head:


SoM servers are being closed and the characters transfer to existing classic era servers. That means SoM toons play by era rules now. All the changes will be undone but you keep all your progress on those toons

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They also say that they don’t know which existing realm (singular) you can transfer to yet, which implies everyone is going to one specific server blizz will pick (though probably one for PvP, pve, etc)

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Noone is asking for a spec that can solo raids.


but you’re asking for the entire game to change to suit muh moonkin raiding.

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Okay? Having more viable specs wouldn’t change that raiding is still a team event.


yes because blizzard can totally just flip a switch and create “more viable specs” without damaging/destroying other parts of the game.


You have no idea if that is happening or not. Reducing respec is a simple task for them, unlike adding dual spec or balancing classes, and they can easily determine at any point in SoM life cycle if they will do it.

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I mean yes they could, I’m not debating whether they will or won’t for SoM.

But it’s clearly possible to bring specs like ret or boomkin up to par without hurting anything.


kind of sad to see that we can’t go onto TBC season of mastery :frowning:

Just be honest, you don’t have the resources or interest to take the time to do class balancing.

I don’t think anyone would complain if you gave druids a normal res and paladins a taunt. Players have already “relived” the classic experience when it was released 2 years ago, and you’re clearly open to making changes, so the fall back to “we want people to relive and re-master the gameplay of old versions.” is strange all things considered.

Posting this comment on a classic rogue character is just funny as hell.


I don’t think they are. Don’t worry, there’s always next season. :grin:

this is gonna be a HUGE pvp zone while people are leveling

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you’re wrong.
go play TBCC if you want proof.
the game just isn’t the same anymore. not as engaging or interesting.

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I disagree it’ vastly more interesting when there’s more viable options. LFM DPS Shouldn’t synonymous with LFM Fury Warrior/Mage.