Season of Introducing Bugs to Era

This way ain’t it, blizz.


Would a hug help, friend?

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maybe, lets try it. moo

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Did you play it?

Did I play era with the recent bugs added? ya

What bugs?

You can read here for the new bugs that blizz is already officially acknowledging, but to summarize a few here:

-Players disconnecting from the game upon death in Alterac Valley (might be fixed now)
-Wrong item model for several tier 3 belts (Frostfire, Dreamwalker, Dreadnaught)
-Incorrect icons on certain items (AQR)
-Incorrect spell animations for various spells (some using wotlk or retail animations)

They might seem trivial on the surface to someone that doesn’t value what era is intended to be the recreation of, but the fact is that they’re all NEW bugs being introduced that era never had before. This is only happening because of SoD bleeding into era’s game version.


Are these issues present on the Hardcore servers too?
I mean… @dria

So, they’re fixing them?

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Likely, but I can’t confirm personally. I’ve been pvp ranking the past few weeks so I haven’t looked at HC recently.

Yeah I dont get the issue. I mean be forthcoming with the information you linked without me having to draw it out like poison from a wound.

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If you want check out Aggrend’s series of tweets (7) on Twitter/X about how they update for special rulesets (like HC or SoD) starting with the base of Era. He put it up about a week ago and it’s pretty helpful to understand just how sometimes things get missed. It happens.

They’re working on it. It’s important to them too to get it correct.

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These people are somehow shocked that Blizzard’s spaghetti code is tangled, and assume that it’s some malicious attempt at turning era into not era.

Literally no one who plays this game in any capacity wants other versions of classic to be put into era, but they’re so paranoid that the retailers are out to get them. It’s like CS players constantly letting Valorant live in their head while Valorant players are just trying to hit clips and go on edates. The other outright does not care, the war is in their heads.

It’s weird lmao.

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I’m just as guilty at times of being impatient about things that I’ve given special meaning to so I hope I can relate. But bug report forum exists. Let em know then give em space. This too shall pass.

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Bump cause this concept from last year is even more relevant in 2024.


Jus’ sayin’