CHANGE HOW RAID ID WORKS! This is the second group I have had that got to boss 5/7 for BFD in SoD and a player logged out and we cannot finish. This is simply a complaint to change it so you can join another group who is in the same progression stage. I should be able to join another instance party who are on the same stage of the raid as me. The system is just bad. People should be able to randomly group to try out the raid and not have to have a dedicated set group and pray that no one has IRL problems and have to leave. I mean atleast for the level 25 Raid so newer people can get their feet wet.
Why is there a lockout anyway for BFD. There’s no lockout for UBRS, which is a 10 man raid with a bunch of pre-bis gear. Just let people play. Lockouts are for 40-man endgame raids, not 10 man leveling raids.
Maybe vet the people you raid with and don’t just invite everyone?
It’s a 45 minute raid bro
No, for most people it’s not. They get to Kelris after 40 minutes and are then stuck there for 2 hours. Then someone leaves and the whole ID is messed up. This is definitely a change that would help tremendously.
If you are wiping on kelris it is leadership’s fault
You either invited bad or undergeared players
Or can’t explain the fight correctly
If you wipe at all in this raid you should genuinely feel bad because honestly it’s a joke of a raid and requires no brain power
Find people to play with who aren’t vanilla lovers. Those players are often the worst and expect to be mailed gear
Eh most of the worst players are the retail raid finder crowd, in which you can literally be in a coma and finish the boss.
Raid finder is more challenging than this raid by a mile
/10 char
They can’t do more than one mechanic or their brains shut down from stress
Or get rid of the archaic game designs that dont work. There is no excuse anymore, they have an untouched era realm for people who want that type of content.
Change the video game because I can’t stop standing in fire
Change the video game so its easier for people to play said game. Being locked out because someone else bails is terrible.
If you can’t keep a group together for 45 mins you picked a bad group
Raid finder is full of people standing in fire and succeeding anyway. It is significantly more forgiving than even MC.
People wipe a lot in RF
That’s why determination stacks exist
You shouldn’t wipe at all in bfd
It’s still wild watching andys be against popular features that do nothing but help the game and get people into raids. Again I ask why dont you want people playing the game?
Yes so anything that’s not already braindead, which is most, people just zerg the boss until determination gives them a free win. In classic you at least do have to get out of the fire or you don’t get to win. RF is the easiest raid content in WoW by far.
I hope people don’t listen to this nonsense you spout, most (statistically more than 75%) are wiping in BFD at least once/twice. Go look at logs and educate yourself and stop running around the forums talking like you know what’s going on when you obviously don’t.
All public information for anyone curious
Hasn’t been updated since the 5th and probably won’t till the next reset, but that kill rate from guilds logging speaks volumes.
MC had people nto even max level and in greens do it. RF at least needs that .
Yes, it had a bunch of pserver elite players who have been speed running for 20 years do it in greens. Try it in your dad guild that runs RF and see how it goes. I doubt you will even get past lucifron.