The journey through Season of Discovery culminates with Phase 8 beginning on April 8! Experience new outdoor content, a new Legendary weapon questline, new stories and surprises, and the Scarlet Enclave raid dungeon.
Sweet! New area - my crafting! This is good stuff! Tier 3.5 here we come!
What do you mean culminates
2 weeks headsup, the usual panic will happen, thanks blizz
You guys arrow yourself in the foot by releasing stuff 2-3 months too early.
Most players figured naxx would be drawn out due to it being the most exciting time for classic, cutting that short only hurts yourself because it gives you free time to work on more new content instead of rushing yourselves.
There is a lot of expectations for this patch as its the first all new content patch at max level, people expect new classes, runes, zones ect. And it will hurt future seasonal servers if not handled with care.
“Culminates”… So I guess it’s the confirmation that SoD will end with P8.
Feels too soon
Is it called phase 8 because there’s 8 people playing it?
Will this be something that can be entered as new players/catch-up gear or is this just another level on the totem pole of “you must grind old raids for competent gear to enter and deal with the cringe world buff stack meta?”
As underwhelming of a raid phase AQ makes, it at least felt like you guys had some flow, like you were actually on proper track. This P7 nonsense and this early release is just feeling like vomit. This is coming way too soon, especially with how scuffed your tier designs have been. We thought this was going to be worth the wait. It was the whole reason we were holding out for some fresh new content… but this isn’t it. Take more time and fix the tier sets, don’t have another P7 please.
Inflammatory post so i removed it. Sorry yall, i didnt mean to start anything xD.
So, real question… as someone who doesn’t play any of the classic games, is SoD worth it?
I’ve been curious about it, but honestly don’t want to go through the pain of the massive download to then find out it’s not great, or it’s mostly dead-ish niche communities.
You do realize this is entirely new content, right? You nor anyone else has ever done this.
This guy played Scarlet Enclave in 2004 apparently
I hope this is till a 20 man raid. If it goes to 10, it will destroy so many guilds.
This is way to soon, let us enjoy naxx with gear we have been working to aquire.
Will we be getting horde paladins and alliance shamans?
Seems like it with the PTR findings, but they want to play coy.
It’s Classic WoW, the download is not that big.
Lol ok, whatever you say. I do hope yall enjoy it.