Season of Discovery Phase 4: Onyxia’s Lair and Molten Core Now Live!

Season of Discovery Phase 4: Onyxia’s Lair and Molten Core Now Live!

It's time to put on your fire resist gear to face Onyxia in her lair and Ragnaros, the fire lord, in the Molten Core.

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I don’t play classic, but the 40 player is good for large guilds.

Picture seems unrelated.


I was just thinking that.

It’s definitely not Azuregos or Kazzak.

I’m 99% sure it’s Onyxia.

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I see they are the easiest bosses ever and you can probably 5 man them lol

Is this AI?

But that’s not a world boss.

That’s Onyxia, not Lord Kazzak or Azuregos. :thinking:

I’m just not a big fan of SoD :expressionless:

Thanks for sharing.