Season of Discovery Patch Notes - Version 1.15.3

What’s the plan for old runes, will these be made easier/sold at a vendor? It’s a real pain for alts/rerolls.

Perhaps we start with the content disconnection/World Server is Down issue.

update fully removed shamanistic rage

Did you check the library?

Are we going to get a list of all changes? i know that there has been changes to some Class talents. it would be very nice if we could get that list.

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We’ve updated the patch notes with the following:

  • The maximum of Rank 10 is now available in PvP.

  • The Sunken Temple raid now resets twice per week.


Unfortunately they haven’t done one of those since Phase 2 iirc. Or maybe even Phase 1. It’s been a while since we got official balance change patch notes.

They seem to expect you to just use wowhead for that these days.

Not certain that “now” works, when i went to the Timbermaw vendor the items weren’t there. No worries though, I’ll just wait for Thursday.

I’ve never left a comment before but changing the spriest rune void plague to the feet with dispersion just ruined my favorite character ever ): please dont do this lol


Please can you add paid race changes to SoD?? The only reason I rolled a dwarf was for fear ward; now that priests can access other racials, there was no point to that choice.

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so do every 55+ boss every day to max the currency?

this trash ive played the entire SOD. get excited for phase 4 only for 2 days before to have my already low dam class get nerfed into the ground… have my raid gear get nerfed. and have my runes get switched around to make me do less damage …shams buffed though …f this

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New runes live ?

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can we have any confirmation at all that new runes are or arent live cause those notes make it seem like they are

Just logged back into my SoD spriest to get ready for Phase 4 for the first time. Found my best dot (void plague) is now sharing the same slot as my best defensive (disperse). You are making us choose between our best dot and best defensive? What a horrible change. Guess I won’t be playing SoD after all.


Emerald wardens rep from 0 - 3000 friendly to get an old rune now requires 3 days of daily’s…please put these runes in the SW library vendor for new players or returning ones.

buh bye. Don’t let the door hit you on the way out. Imagine being upset your godmode class got nerfed. Lol someone get this guy some tissues to have a soft cry into. See you tomorrow

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Eww gross. Keep your retail interfaces out of Era


Why doesn’t the lifeblood fel never drop even though I’ve killed a lot? can it be repaired? Is there something wrong

Why is there a patch now? No message or anything, just a server shutdown.

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