Season of Discovery Patch 1.15.7 Development Notes

WoW Classic Season of Discovery Patch 1.15.7
Build 59856
March 20, 2025

Scarlet Enclave Quest Content

There is new content available in Eastern Plaguelands related to the Scarlet Encalve raid.

  • Players who have completed the Phase 7 quest “Scarlet Activities” may speak with Leonid Bartholomew the Revered in Light’s Hope Chapel to accept the quest “Unrest at Tyr’s Hand”. This quest splits off into a few different questlines related to Scarlet Enclave content.

  • This quest also leads directly into the content in New Avalon and once players have completed the quest “Gathering Intelligence” they will gain access to New Avalon’s Scarlet Disguise system.

Infiltrate New Avalon
Go behind enemy lines in disguise as you infiltrate the town of New Avalon within the Scarlet Enclave, prior to the events that transpire within the raid. This is a small crafting-focused town with access to a few common city services, such as a bank, a neutral auction house, and an alchemy lab.

  • To navigate New Avalon in relative safety, all armor crafting professions will have access to 8 new recipes for their respective armor types.

    • Most of these drop from crusaders local to the area, while a few can only be acquired from Scarlet Enclave itself.

    • These recipes are able to be bought, sold, and traded.

  • Once you complete “Gathering Intelligence” from Scarlet Inquisitor Caldoran at the Scarlet Base Camp west of Tyr’s Hand, you will gain access to the quest “New Avalon” and also receive a Scarlet Insignia which can be used alongside 4 of these crafted items (or your new tier set) to blend in with the townsfolk of New Avalon.

    • While disguised, most of its residents are friendly to you and a few among them even have new quests for new profession recipes, such as bigger bags, cooking feasts, and more.

    • Beware when mingling with the citizens. Scarlet Bloodhounds will not be fooled by your disguise and the crusaders are determined to ensure that intruders do not live to see tomorrow.

  • Bryon Steelblade, the Scarlet Quartermaster, will offer a weekly quest to either craft or donate equipment in exchange for a Scarlet Junkbox. These boxes contain Tarnished Undermine Reals, a variety of crafting mats, and can contain a Crusader’s Chalice.

    • In addition to tier tokens, the Crusader’s Chalice can be exchanged alongside a piece of your disguise for a matching tier item of your choice.

    • This is not the only method to obtain tier pieces, and traditional tier tokens will also be available inside the Scarlet Enclave raid when it becomes available.

  • To facilitate easier testing on PTR, there’s a vendor in Stormwind, Orgrimmar, and New Avalon that should allow you to purchase disguise recipes directly.

Tarnished Undermine Real

  • The maximum cap of Tarnished Undermine Reals has been increased to 250 (was 150).