Season of Discovery Hotfixes - Updated February 12

This existed in cata, it was called redirect and it would be really nice to smooth out rogue tanking.

As it stands right now if anyone rips a mob and you have to switch targets to taunt it and pick it back up, it really screws up your rotation :frowning:

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Wish we could up vote this!

Can you fix BG’s premade issue. Annoying that I cant solo play and have to sit in spirit waiting for the game to end for No honor, 1 token, and no rep.

December 18, 2023

Season of Discovery

  • The Battle for Ashenvale will now progress about 50% faster than previously.
  • The reputation gain for participating in killing an enemy Keeper of the Grove or Blade Master has been increased to 400 (was 200).
  • Fixed an issue that caused the Shadowy Figure in Alterac Mountains to not be seen by players who should otherwise be able to see them.

Ashenvale changes are nice!

December 19, 2023

Season of Discovery

  • Mage
    • Living Flame now benefits from and consumes Arcane Blast.
  • Paladin
    • Avenger’s Shield’s movement slow is now properly considered a Snare and can be removed by effects that remove movement impairing effects.
    • Mana granted by Seal of Martydom to party and raid members has been increased. Seal of Martyrdom now grants all party and raid members 20% of damage the Paladin takes from the seal (was 10%).
  • Rogue
    • Blade Dance has been updated to grant 10% parry at all ranks, rather than increasing parry chance per combo point. The only effect of more combo points is now increased duration.
  • Shaman
    • Mana granted by Shamanistic Rage to party and raid members has been increased. Shamanistic Rage now grants party and raid members 20% of the mana gained by the Shaman (was 10%).

Great move on the tailoring addition. It was weird feeling feeling like Horde an almost best in slot item completely to themselves with nothing to substitute outside of a dungeon drop, IN THE HORDE AREA.
Drop some big bucks on the AH for that Magician’s Mantle.

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zugzugg awsome

Can we stop buffing Shamanistic Rage? It’s already the best, by FAR. If you’re using earth shield or ancestral guidance, you’re already in a bad spot. The only way you use another rune is if you have to, ex: the tank. Ancestral Guidance looks the coolest, and has a true hybrid playstyle, but the 2 minute cooldown combined with the cost of NOT having sham rage makes it impossible to use in any throughput metric. You’ll do more damage and more healing just having the mana from sham rage than you would ever get from pressing ancestral guidance.

And that’s not even mentioning Earth Shield. We could use 75 mana for a R4 Healing Wave, or we could get enough mana to cast a r4 healing wave 17 times over. The pushback protection isn’t enough to justify it over 20% DR and tons of mana, nor is the healing worth it, when you have to use globals to recast it every 10 seconds. I thought the philosophy with runes would be there’s a scenario for each of them, or they introduce new playstyles. Well in every scenario, and every playstyle, Shamanistic Rage is better.

Remorseless attacks is not proccing off any Rune ability used as a killing blow.

Stop layering Ashenvale. Its becoming a ghost town

Maybe double the chance of raptor strike resetting flanking strike, so it feels like melee hunter has buttons to press so it feels better.

I would switch the chance of having raptor strike resetting the cd on flanking strike and the duration of the flanking strike damage buff. so you would have only a 10% chance to reset your flanking strike per use of raptor strike, but you would have 20 seconds to reset flank before the buff falls off. even though the chance to reset it is less you are getting alot more chances to reset it, and the buff is lasting longer making ability feel better even if you dont get a reset in the duration window.

The reason I want the increase the chance is to give the spec more buttons to press to make it feel more complete, atm it feels incredibly bland because theres not much to do but press raptor strike every blue moon.

Thanks Blizz for keeping up with the game! Love that you aren’t just releasing content and forgetting about it!


  • Chest, Herbs, Mining Veins, and Clams no longer respawn as they were before.

We gonna get around to fixing the alliance exploit in Ashenvale or nah? Pretty pathetic that this hasn’t been addressed yet.

I agree whole heartedly

You are doing great, i appreciate the feed back.

December 21, 2023

Season of Discovery

  • Druid
    • Lacerate base cost reduced 10 Rage (was 15).
    • Mangle (Bear) base cost reduced to 15 Rage (was 20).
  • Priest
    • Shadow Word: Death base damage increased by 103% and the bonus damage it receives from spell power has been increased by 50%.
  • Shaman
    • Shamanistic Rage now always grants 6% of the caster’s spell damage as mana, as intended.