Season of Discovery Hotfixes - Updated February 12

Already in effect? If you don’t have a poison on your weapon it auto applies Instant Poison, you don’t even have to make it anymore.

OH LOL I had to re-read it a couple of times, I’ve been applying poisons when charges ran out lmao.

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So were quick to nerf fun things - how about fixing things that are untested and broken?

  1. Layering affecting honor and rep rewards in Ashenvale “event”.
  2. Leashing and mob agro being completely garbage.
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Does this actually help anyone though? You still have to walk to a major city unless you happen to have stuff to put in it when you’re out in the world.

Most people will still have to run back and forth for hours to do this rep grind.

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Can you guys stop nerfing hunters into the damn ground and please take a look at warlocks? These are over-tuned as hell and were already an OP class in vanilla without any changes. Now they are basically raid bosses in PVP and damn near un-killable 1v1 in pvp for most other classes and doing so without requiring really any skill just hit a couple buttons and spam drain life. This is ridiculous. Meanwhile anything good for hunter is removed post haste. Are the devs all playing warlocks or something? What is the deal?


December 5, 2023

Season of Discovery

  • Seal of Martyrdom will no longer grant mana to nearby allies who are not in the Paladin’s party or raid.
  • Shamanistic Rage will no longer grant mana to nearby players who are not in the Shaman’s party or raid.
  • It is no longer possible to have two copies of the Mangle debuff active on a target.
  • Multiple Rogues can now have the Saber Slash bleed active on a target. If the Rogues have the Deadly Brew rune, they can each have a Deadly Poison periodic damage effect active on the target.
  • Pattern: Phoenix Bindings temporarily removed from the merchant faction vendor while we work to resolve an issue with the recipe.

What about hunters being able to have multiple scorpid stings on the target from more than one scorpid pet?

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thank you for these quick hotfixes

Can we get any communication on what’s going on with hunters?
All of a sudden since last night my scorpion is doing 1 damage, so I’m forced to abandon the scorpion and get a different pet.
The original hunter ability (explosive shot) that was decent got removed from the game, so now I’m forced to play Beast Mastery but the devs keep making ninja patches to the pet’s abilities without including it in the hotfix notes.

The hunter community would really appreciate some communication.

No, this is fine

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When does shadow priest stop being a meme

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On top of finally getting a box, and its mana oil which is a phase 5 item… Thanks again blizz for wasting my time.

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I think you broke the Helping Hand for troll priests to unlock Twisted Faith. I’ve ressed two different people with it using rank 1 res and it won’t open. I’m guessing someone tried to fix it so that rank 2 res would work and now only rank 2 res works. Please investigate.

The only thing I can think of is unleashing the beast at lvl 40… But its been a sad joke and disappointing SOD adventure for me as shadow.

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Take demonic grace off the gcd please it’s mad clunky to just stand there taking in the scenery and THEN casting chaos bolt or whatever. Like it doesn’t make sense just take it off the gcd.

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All the runes hit like a wet noodle and they should have a mind flay rune thats a free cast and restore 2% mana a tick. Its a 3 sec cast so 6% isnt anything crazy. SWD: make it heal if its a successful execute. Void Plague should do double dmg as its global is insanely long for such low output. The SW rune should stack so it you tab target mobs you could spread up to 3 total SWds on them.

For real lol even without the new rune. Life steal, insane damage, then if they ever get into a 1v4 they get vw sacrifice.

Ashenvale battle needs to have rep go to everyone not just the group that gets the tag.

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Rep needs to be zone wide instead of tags especially with having to clear all 3 camps now. Groups are just sitting at final boss waiting to start once 3rd camp is cleared and those doing the camps around the zone are not able to make it in time.


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