Season of Discovery Hotfixes - September 11


Have you been reading different patch notes than what they have posted?

They nerfed trap damage from 50% ap to 25%. Its only slightly offset by it now chosing rap or melee ap based on which is higher, but still about a 50% nerf.

Chimera shot damage is actually very counterbalance. Dispel serpent sting and it does 30% less damage.

But the real issue with chimera is blizzard loaded most of ranged hunter damage around lock and load, and the sheer number of chimera shot going out is what makes it seem strong.

Actually you guys got new pet taunt. So hunters have their own personal tank. And I watched a kazzak kill using a hunter pet tank. Hunters ARE a tank class in sod.

Lol hunters have always had a “pet tank” that doesnt make us a tank class!!!

BUT it has a legit taunt now and its tankier thanks to runes, kinda like rogues. Heck I bet that bear can out threat low geared warriors. Hunter is tank class now.

your wrong

August 23, 2024
Season of Discovery

  • Firelands Embers and Emerald Chips now stack to 2500.
    • Developers’ notes: Hang on to these currencies, as new items will be made available for purchase in the next major patch.
  • Nightmare Incursion boss experience has been reduced by 50%.
  • Bosses in Molten Core should no longer spin around and face random raid members on higher Heat difficulties.

Why are we reviving incursions, I thought we learned they were a mistake

I’ve already deleted a couple hundred of these because they were taking up bag space before this announcement. I went to the item restoration page and they aren’t showing up. what do I do now?

Get some more?

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I doubt they are reviving incursions. The next two world bosses are due to launch next phase, and guess what - they are green dragons. Some type of new content along with them will probably be Emerald Wardens faction and award these chips.

you are so witty and clever, I hope to aspire to have your sense of wisdom one day.

Was phase 4 too alt friendly or something? Players are at an all time low and you choose to make it even harder to get to endgame? Insane.

Same here with the Emerald Chips. It would be nice if they told us to hold onto this stuff BEFORE the content is made irrelevant for months.

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yes, but when lock pet fixes?

I did the same thing XD. I wish Blizz could communicate a roadmap beyond a week or two.

This isn’t true.

Small indie company

September 11, 2024
Season of Discovery

  • Crimson Tempest can no longer be used unless the primary target is within melee range.

Wow yous have been busy :rofl:

Can we have frost trap into trap launcher back since it has DR now and it’s not a problem anymore? also make hitbox of traps bigger because sometimes even tho I put the trap on the middle of Kazzak, it’s still not hitting the target.