Season of Discovery Hotfixes - October 7

that because ya damn traps near on one shotting people … two hunters pretty much wiping groups out in pvp

hey hey hey…hey…hey, can’t rush the obvious things, we’ll get it, 4 weeks before end of SoD.

Ok, now put frost trap back onto trap launcher.

They wont because blizz only takes away from hunters and never gives anything back!!! people cry and cry somemore about how strong and broken hunters are but theyre the LAST SOLE DPS class.

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They probably noticed how many hunter players there are, so they want to reduce it and make people reroll to play other classes. That’s the only reason I can come up with for why they are bending hunter players over.

lol its because all the fourm posts about hunters killing people in PVP is what caused it honestly if people didnt cry about us all the time we wouldnt be in such a bad spot

August 7, 2024

Season of Discovery

  • Hunter
    • Heart of the Lion once again has a 100 yard range.
  • Warrior
    • The Focused Rage rune will now correctly reduce the cost of Meathook by 3.


For every 10 Spirit, Druid gets 1% Hit

For Every 2 Intellect, Druid gets 1 Spell Power

Fixed Balance Druid Talents to now scale with SP (was just effecting the base value of spells)

Moonkin form now gives 5% crit (up from 3)

its blatantly obvious they don’t actually care about anything going on in sod. Failed pvp’rs again.

Multiple classes/specs are F tier in pvp and they have a plethora of feedback and here we are in phase 4 still getting ignored.

Good job you all, you wanted hunters to be nerfed so bad that you may as well delete the class altogether, everyone of them is going to just re-roll a new class or quit. Instead of learning how to counter it.
Friendly reminder that Boomkins with a millon armor and CC exist, with also self sustain, same case with shamans. But no, let’s nerf the only class that is pure dps with no self-sustain options and no CC or mobility while also no pets or anything at all because that’s how hunters had to play in order to do some kind of damage with the constant storm of nerfs they have been getting hit with since phase 1.
Like it’s ridiculous how hybrids are more relevant than a pure dps class.


Lol, I love when people who have no idea how this game works offer suggestions…

Zzzzz Crying when you are still #1 and #3 dps on the 1 day logs(only time selection after nerf) on the 95 Percentile.
Omg class so dead, unplayable.

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If my class isn’t 40% better than everyone else then it is unplayable ty

What a complete joke of “Hotfixes” These Developers are incompetent.

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Let Druids root indoors with a rune or with natures grasp talents

  • and/or fix the condition so that the target needs to be outdoors, and not the caster.

I just didnt even bother with this phase (my hunter is still 50 and thats the only character i would have played) i saw the writing on the wall with the datamined runes. Got 1k gold that might just rot on sod.

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Its not even about the dps its how it plays.

Horribly designed, lack of hard CC, mobility, self sustain, defensive CDs, etc. All it has is damage so ya its high damage, but everything else keeps getting gutted. Frost trap removed from trap launcher (huge utility/CC nerf) entrapment has deminishing returns that can trigger while it is effecting the target (so of entrapment procs 2 times in a row which ticks every .5 seconds with frost trap and every 2 seconds with explosive trap and can instantly dr itself to change the root from 5 seconds to 2.5 seconds within the first second, if you get really unlucky and it procs 4 times on frost traps .5 second timer they are removed from and immune to the root in 2 seconds.

And thats just the stupid stuff they have done with traps the last few hotfixes without even looking at the recent damage nerfs

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You right, they should just remove trap launcher entirely.

Please buff melee hunters. Both DW and 2-Handed both. Also please smooth out the rotations.

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I fought a well geared melee Hunter on my Enhancment Shaman in WSG.

That is a terrible fight, he did significantly more damage then me combined with Wind Serpent (crit me with lightning Breath for 1.3k twice). My Shaman puts out a lot of pressure…. and he simply put out way more lol. Didn’t help he kept
Dodging SS and windfury’s… but hey I fought him 3 times. He also had significantly more health and healing is drastically reduced in the bgs.

Coupled with dodging a great deal of my attacks, almost all my damage was Elemental. They aren’t weak in the slightest in pvp.

or just play the other 2 specs that actually pump you know the real specs not some meme spec?