Season of Discovery Hotfixes - October 2

They added it to Prep reset because the wording of Preparation is “immediately resets the cooldown on your other Rogue abilities.”

Its just a bug fix, not a design choice making a statement about the utility of what they are fixing


Very nice fixes :smiley:

How about fixing the threat and/or damage of shuriken toss so that I can actually hold aggro with it.

How about we fix earth shield

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no one gives a crap…because no one uses this garbage rune.


Thanks for the fixes

This has got to be a troll. This is the least of frost mages problems.

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WHERE ARE WARLOCK BUFFS. I’m sick of having to play this trash tier class in bgs and having absolutely nothing to contribute. No damage. No survivability. WHEN IS THIS CLASS GOING TO BE FIXED?

No melee classes can melee hunters any more, they are supposed to sit at range and sit and wait to die or never interact with a hunter ever again. Do you have a bib for your drool or does it just collect in a pool in your lap?


  • Spell Power now benefits the critical strike damage of Spellfrost Bolt.

No one is taking this rune or any other frost runes because they are all completely useless compared to the fire and arcane runes. PLEASE REVIEW LOGS OF CLASS PERFORMANCE. Frost mage is and has always been DEAD LAST by a wide margin.

Ice lance needs a buff, you’d never take it over living bomb. Icy Veins needs a buff, you’d never take it over living flame. Fingers of Frost needs a buff, you’d never take it over ANY of the other chest runes. Brain Freeze is okay, not great but not bad.

You’d never take frostfire or spellfrost bolt because they are so similar to frostbolt its a waste of a rune slot. I’ll expand further.

  • Instead of Spellfrost you would use r1 frostbolt followed by Arcane Blast for a much more effective way to apply slows and put out arcane damage/self healing.

  • For Frostfire bolt, you would again use r1 Frostbolt to apply a slow and scorch/fireball depending on pressure/distance.

Not taking Hot Steaks or Missile barrage to just have a different bolt, for essentially no reason, is not a good choice for a player. I’ve tried to take 5/5 imp frost bolt and fireball to sink 10 talents to try and make frostfire bolt worth taking and it still feels awful and you miss your capstone talents.

Please look at Frost Mage, Please I implore you! The mobility classes have now and ability to break CC and gap close has never been higher.


agreedge my good bro

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of all the things rogues/shuriken toss needed, this was the least

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if uve ever queued for AB or tanked gnomer, you would know rogues dont need anything

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  • Elite and Dungeon Quests now grant additional bonus experience.

Do we know if this a permanent change through level 60, or just a “this phase” leveling change to smoothen and enhance the grind to lvl 40 only? Asking for clarity for the p3 quest stack. Thanks

Not reduced, still 25g?

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STV BM lag fix?

You use your cooldowns. Paladins can bubble and stun. Warriors can fear the hunter and the pet, allowing them to focus on the hunter while the pet is off in the other direction. There are more options, those are just the most notable.

Turn on your monitor. Use your spells. I can’t hold your hand for you though.

I recently found myself thinking excitedly about Icy Veins because I thought it might help me get some more damage/healing throughput in on Menagerie. Turns out it doesn’t affect channeled spells. So much for that.

niiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiice boomy buuuuuufffffffffsss

I’m a mage player so I don’t care about melee hunters personally. Melee hunters aren’t a bad matchup for me. I care about the health of the game and hunters entire kit revolves around kiting from range. Making them crush people in melee in 2 gcds with no cool downs is obviously bad for the game hence the nerfs. Sorry you are a hunter so I know you will have to read this a few times and still probably wont understand but hang in there buddy!