Season of Discovery Hotfixes - October 2

Are the Alterac Valley changes already live? Or tomorrow’s reset?

Even worse in Scholo where there are mobs immune to all magic.

DMW is a nightmare to run as a healing mage with 75% of the mobs being Arcane immune. Balefire has to used and we can only cast 9 of them before we auto die.

The tooltip for Bottomless Bag pattern is still showing 18 slots

Some mages cannot acquire the Frozen Orb Rune.

See: Some Mages cannot get Frozen Orb Rune: SERIOUS BUG - #5 by Daejopa-crusader-strike

Please, please, fix this. It is a serious bummer to kick phase 4 off and not be able to get such an iconic rune as this, especially because it is so good for dungeon content

July 16, 2024

Season of Discovery

  • Demon Fall Canyon
    • Possibly due to “Demonic Deceptions”, the Owlbeasts of Winterspring have attended a guided meditation retreat, expanding their pineal glands.
    • Zilbagob will now always be accessible when The Destructor's Wraith and Grimroot have been defeated.
  • Items
    • A new item -- Hand of Injustice -- is now available from Pix Xizzix, the Undermine Real vendor.
    • Added new shield enchant that grants 30 spell power and 55 healing power – Law of Nature. Available to learn for Enchanters. The pattern is available from Timbermaw Hold at Revered.
    • Added a temporary shield enchantment that grants 24 spell power, much like wizard oil -- Conductive Shield Coating. Available to learn for Enchanters. The pattern is available from Thorium Brotherhood at Honored.
    • Drinkable Stratholme Holy Water from Argent Dawn reputation will now recover 6618 mana over 30 seconds and will also grant 10 per Holy Water turned-in.
    • The Pattern: Embroidered Belt of the Archmage can now correctly be consumed by Tailors.
    • The Leather-Reinforced Runecloth Bag's materials have changed from requiring a Runecloth Bag to requiring the materials for the Runecloth Bag craft itself.
  • Quests
    • The quests “More Greater Moonstones” and “More Moondragon Scales” now have the correct item requirements to complete.
    • Players who were unable to fully access Mokvar and Deliana's Tier 0.5 exchange vendor options should now have full access if they have completed the corresponding quests:
      • “An Earnest Proposition” - Bracer
      • “Just Compensation” - Belt, Gloves
      • “Anthion's Parting Words” - Boots, Legs, Shoulders
      • “Saving the Best for Last” - Helm, Chest
      • A Nearby Kor'kron Elite and Ironforge Guard will also provide access to these vendor lists if Mokvar or Deliana are occupied.
  • Druid
    • Nourish will now benefit from, and consume Omen of Clarity's Clearcasting effect.
      • Developers’ notes: Unlike in Cataclysm, Nourish in SoD has more upsides to it than just the mana cost - like the casting speed. So it makes sense for it to benefit from Clearcasting and to consume it as well.
  • Hunter
    • If you have have Lone Wolf engraved on your gear, spirit healers in battlegrounds will no longer resurrect your pet alongside you.
  • Mage
    • Presence of Mind now causes Chronostatic Preservation to instantly cast the Healing Portion of the spell, even if you did not have the buff active.
    • Presence of Mind is not consumed if Chronostatic Preservation's buff was already present and a release of the heal is used. This means you can Chronostatic Preservation pre-cast, use PoM, and release two Chronostatic Preservation casts back-to-back.
    • Ice Armor and Frost Armor will no longer proc Brain Freeze.
    • Brain Freeze and Hot Streak will no longer overwrite each other and can now both exist on a character at the same time.
    • Your Arcane Missiles will correctly have their cost reduced when both Missile Barrage and Brain Freeze are active at the same time.
    • If Hot Streak is gained while already casting Pyroblast, it will no longer be consumed. This can result in two free Pyroblasts back-to-back.
    • Frozen Orb will no longer despawn early if cast near a wall.
    • Arcane Barrage will now correctly interact with the Shatter talent when your target is Frozen or you have Fingers of Frost active.
    • Frozen Orb will now benefit from the Shatter talent if the target is Frozen.
      • Developers’ notes: Because Fingers of Frost is applied through Frozen Orb and would be consumed quickly by it, Frozen Orb does not consume or benefit from Fingers of Frost.
  • Paladin
    • Inspiration Exemplar will no longer cause the player to stand up every tick.
  • Priest
    • Binding Heal will now correctly consume Surge of Light.
    • Void Zone will no longer return a 'no path available’ error.
  • Shaman
    • Storm, Earth, and Fire's Earthbind Totem effect will now correctly hit every target instead of just one.
    • Shamans will no longer gain charges of Lightning Shield from Rolling Thunder when the rune is not equipped.
  • Warlock
    • Mark of Chaos will no longer fall off after 1 minute when Curse of Recklessness or Curse of Weakness is used.
    • Rune of Infernal Armor now drops for players even if they haven't previously completed discovery for Rune of Shadowflames.
  • Warrior
    • “Rift Away” can now be obtained at level 55.
    • Khonsu's fall catcher mechanism for Thunder Stomped players should be slightly better at rescuing them.
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Any chance you can increase the number of Fel Rifts up at once?

Also maybe have a rift stay up for 1 min after the 1st use?

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Raising awareness to this again – the Frozen Orb rune questline is bugged and some mages cannot get the rune at all.

It feels really awful to start Phase 4 and not be able to acquire and use such an iconic spell that many of us were really excited amount.

See: Some Mages cannot get Frozen Orb Rune: SERIOUS BUG

With the new temporary oil to shields giving the same as the wizard oil, why is it the wizard oil recipe is unavailable, and casters are stuck with lesser wizard oil?

-Battle Shout is 0 cost and 5min duration depending on unknown talents? 0/5 Imp Battle shout. When changing to the second talent specialization, mainly protection talents, battle shout returns to 10 rage cost.
-Rampage still does not have a buff icon when activated.

Booming Voice makes it 0 Cost and 5 mins.

It already is Lol

Soo why is there still so much favoritism towards physical dps still? DFC has 0 gear for casters. Why do you guys always do this?

Still no update on the PvP gear there’s no way that’s completed work. Level 50 gear is better than the 60 set

Dear Developers,

I hope you’re well. I’m writing to bring urgent attention to a critical issue on the Crusader Strike server in WoW SoD P4—the extreme imbalance on Blackrock Mountain. The current 100:1 Horde to Alliance ratio makes gameplay nearly impossible for Alliance players.

As a result, we are stuck on the 2-minute resurrection screen for 95% of our game time, which severely hampers our enjoyment and progress. This situation is incredibly frustrating and threatens the vibrant community that makes this game so special.

We understand that balancing such a dynamic game is challenging, but we urgently request you to address this imbalance. Implementing adjustments to encourage more balanced play would greatly enhance our gaming experience and keep the community thriving.

Thank you for your attention to this matter. We appreciate all your hard work!

Alliance Player on Crusader Strike Server

July 17, 2024

Season of Discovery

  • The tooltip for the Draconic Infused Emblem is now correct. The spell effect is not changed.
  • Blackrock Eruption
    • The Drained of Blood aura from the Stranglethorn Vale PvP event is now applied when participating in the Blackrock Mountain PvP event. This applies to players exiting instances in Blackrock Mountain.
  • Druid
    • Flame Wrath has been redesigned with a lower spell power ratio on the Thorns portion of the proc and an internal cooldown for Feral Druids.
  • Hunter
    • Trap Launcher will no longer augment Frost Trap.
      • Developers’ notes: A Trap Launcher version of Frost Trap has only existed in versions of WoW in which mobility and freedom effects were more plentiful. Without them, the safety and agency a 9-15 second ranged Frost Trap grants Hunters is simply too much. We’re making it so that Hunters either need to put themselves at risk in order to place a Frost Trap or have someone engage on them to trigger it.
  • Mage
    • Conjure Water Rank 7 will now create 20 water per cast. The tooltip may not reflect this change for a while.
    • All ranks of Mana Shield will no longer stack when Advanced Warding is engraved.
    • All ranks of Advanced Warding’s Mana Shield are now canceled when the rune is unequipped or when someone absorbs damage and the caster no longer has the rune equipped.
    • All ranks of Mana Shield are removed when the Advanced Warding Rune is equipped.
  • Shaman
    • Burn will now persist through death and not require you to recast Flametongue Weapon again.
  • Warlock
    • Fel Rift spawn rates have increased.
    • The chance of finding Legion Portal Tuners and associated tools has increased.
    • Rune of Decimation is now guaranteed from an overcharged portal.

So when can the mages who had the Frozen Orb quest bug out for them, or got killed on the last part, actually get their rune?

Runes have been an essential part of SoD and I can’t even get one of the biggest ones.


Are you kidding me 1 week into the Phase and nerf hunters in pvp and pve good job. how do you not think of putting on a DR and you say it cause of Mobility, but more classes have Mobility spell now warrior, pally, rogue. Its only in AV good job no one will be playing AV in week or 2 everyone is just grinding rep to get exalted then will stop. do you guys even watch or play this game? just like when AV dropped in Classic everyone grinded the rep then stopped cause AB/WS better Honor unless its AV weekend. GG devs

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Thank you <3

Really doubt the Drained of Blood debuff is going to stop the BRM campfest.

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