Season of Discovery Hotfixes - October 15

comon blizzard, we stared doing emerald chips since u put the news out about it can exchange herbs. And its the only way player in low population can get their consumes since AH is empty.
And u just cancel that? u are not only provide service to those barking dog man, but also players not usually come here complain . Bring that back!

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September 30, 2024

Season of Discovery

  • Losses in Warsong Gulch and Arathi Basin again award 1 Mark of Honor (was 2).
    • Developers’ notes: We’ve ended this experiment, as it provided too much incentive to lose quickly and get into another match.
  • Blessing of Shirvallah should no longer buff the bad guys in Zul’Gurub.
  • Addressed an issue that could cause the Cenarion Hold hitching post to be unusable during the hunter quest “Everyone Knows That Bugs Can’t Fly.”
  • Blackwing Lair
    • Fixed an issue that occasionally prevented the Trials from triggering after a soft reset in Blackwing Lair.
    • Vaelastrasz the Corrupt
      • Players’ own bonus damage modifiers will no longer amplify the damaging effects of Burning Adrenaline.

Cool, Maybe buff the AV marks so they also give 7500 honor?

Congratulation’s you just killed WSG and AB PVP again… Instead of addressing the root problem of WHY the Alliance are avoiding fighting the Horde you take away their incentive to even go into the BG’s.

It could be so easy, just allow both Horde and Alliance access to Shamans and Pallys, but NOPE, let’s make easy Hard.

This Development team continues to just not get it, I really really really hope the hire up’s see how you fumbled the bag here and send you to develop for Turtle WOW or some mobile crap, bring in other people for Classic +.


We just entered a BWL that we started on Thursday and all the trials were gone, with no option to re-activat them. We attempted resetting the instance, zoning out, and reforming. Still nothing.

“experiment” btw
So incredibly lazy, how bout incentivizing extra honor by actually playing the bgs?


Now can we have our 0.5 vendor and Dual spec NPC back in IF?

Such a lazy fix to the BG issue. Honestly you devs are shamefully awful at your jobs.


how would you fix it?

Increase honor gains from completing objectives. Nerfing honor per hour is all this does. I don’t know if people know this, but alliance doesn’t try to win av. They just got after honor based objectives (lietenants etc)

The 7500 mark turn in may have brought back the premade meta which is interesting I guess. All you scrubs who banned premades and gdkp before must be happy.

My solution would be to make ashenvale type events the highest honor per hour. Apply the blackrock mountain honor gain buff in different zones and add stv style ghost respawns. It makes no sense to build new content for sod and have it be trapped in phase 1.

Also of course we should get rid of factions in battlegrounds.

The AV problem is slightly different than the other BGs though. Alliance don’t try in AV because in an equal zerg fest horde win because they just start closer to the objective than alliance do. Even with decent slows horde just have a significant advantage in that department which is why the map has changed multiple times and is completely different in Retail. Whatever is done, the honor shouldn’t change by more than 20% as it’s in a decent spot.

In AB, I would suggest in addition to reverting the loss to 1 mark they should nerf honor to <5k a turn in, then buff in game honor gains. Triple objective honor and then double that on bonus honor weekends. Make the GAME worth playing not the rewards.

WSG is an entirely different beast, but I would say remove honor DRs on HKs while down flag caps, make HKs worth 4x normal, and increase honor gains by flag caps by 5-10 times. This would incentivize the loosing team to maybe keep fighting and it incentivizes the winning team to keep trying to cap flags. The worst feel bad in WSG is when you get severely out classed then they camp you the rest of the game. Then add a timer.

Developers so out of touch with the playerbase they can’t even see the issues clearly.

I mean its a given after they killed sod with the gdkp ban and still have yet to revert it.

Easy solution.

AB should provide 2 marks to the loser if the team gained at least 500 out of the 2000 points required to win the game. 500 too low? Raise it to 750 or 1000 then.

WSG should provide 2 marks if your team caps at least once or denies 10 flag captures.

Was it that hard?

Guess I’ll see you guys in AV.

Fix faction balancing, no? Okay We’ll go screw ourselves thanks!

Could you make a threshold for 2 marks? AB gets 1 mark for a loss, 2 marks if you get to 1k points during the match, and 3 marks if you win. For WSG you get 1 mark for a loss, 2 marks if you cap a flag, 3 marks for a win.

The honor for objectives (flag captures in WSG, and intervals of points acquired in AB) should be increased so a close loss is still rewarding.

This one is fun if you are trying to be competitive on parses, you have to now parse with normal the next day, and lose all your chests. It’s a fun beta experience. Maybe they’ll get it right in the next version of WOW.

not sure if this is intentional:
when both Brain Freeze and CLear Casting triggered, next 1 single cast will consume both as well.
Does mana shield work correctly 100% increased by Advanced Ward rune? seem malfunctioned.

October 1, 2024
Season of Discovery

  • Blackwing Lair
    • Cloak of Draconic Might and Essence Gatherer have been updated to their intended item level 75 (was item level 70).
      • For Cloak of Draconic Might, this increased its armor and stats slightly.
      • For Essence Gatherer, this increased its damage and stats slightly.
  • Molten Core
    • Shazzrah will no longer create two clones on Heat 3.
  • Mage
    • Fixed an issue where the tier 1 6-piece armor set bonus was cancelling Mage Armor and Molten Armor buffs when the Mage traveled between zones and instances.
    • Players are now able to restart “Essence of Fire” quest after abandoning it. Additionally, “Essence of Fire” can be picked up from Jennea Cannon or Oran Snakewrithe if previously abandoned, so long as players retain an item from that quest.
  • Warlock
    • Doan Karhan can now be spoken to outside of Demon Fall Canyon regardless of which step of “The Final Test” the player is on.
    • Abandoning “The Final Test” won’t destroy the Scythe of Chaos now.

Any word on Blacksmiths being unable to take both Armorsmith and Weaponsmith after the patch despite the notes saying we’d be able to? =/