Season of Discovery Hotfixes - October 15

What’s with all these people joining a seasonal server with the main draw being new meme specs and then being upset when anyone wants to play something that isn’t one of the 3 viable specs in vanilla.


simple if you wanna play Melee hunter go play retail that doesnt belong on anything classic related.

Only if we get phase 2 melee back without the nerfs.

I understand how the game works just fine and how my class works as well. If you go on the classic druid discord, these changes have been mentioned multiple times as a way to fix scaling. Sounds like you’re mad and want to throw out insults instead of discuss anything. You are part of the problem with toxicity like this. #LTakes

Lol the druid discord is loko then.

What this means is baseline druids will be max hit. This isn’t a scaling fix this is just removing druids from needing hit.

This is literally just adding an insane amount of spell power lol.

This is the only one that sounds reasonable.

This is like me saying, I know how to fix mage mana in AOE, everyone I hit with flamestrike gets living bomb applied. That will fix my mana issues immediately. But its done in the most absurd way possible.

These are ideas, the numbers definitely would be tweaked. The problem with balance druid is we are probably one of the, if not the worst scaling spec. I am offering ideas and honestly you could implement these changes as they are and we’d be somewhere in the middle of the pack.

The SP would be around 115 and about 12% hit, so defintely lower the hit to like 5-6% from talents or stats but adding 100 extra spell power would not sky rocket us to the top of the charts. Our max rank spells are already gimp compared to other caster’s max rank spells. Plus most our spells wouldn’t get 115 sp instantly input into them due to the sp coefficients.

We just want the spec to feel good somewhere in the middle of the pack, with a couple fights that we could excel in with our current toolkit. It’s not a competition on who gets what or fixed first. I just feel like all the specs should have their time to pump and should always feel fun. Every week since the launch of phase 4, balance falls more and more behind. That’s a fact with numbers to back it up. The tank specs are right behind us and the Rogue tank actually passed us in overall damage at the Max %.

It would be 132sp with current bis, but this would obviously change bis. It would also change the foundation of gear design for future patches. Its a bad fix. It would be better to change coefficients themselves.

August 13, 2024

Season of Discovery

  • The % increase to player health that is present in Warsong Gulch and Arathi Basin is now also active in Alterac Valley.
  • Items
    • Shard of the God’s summoned minion now has a 20-yard cone (was 40 yards) and will spend the first 3 seconds of its summon to run into range of a target.
  • Quests
    • “Stave of the Ancients" Demon NPCs will now respawn much more quickly.
  • Druid
    • The bonus on Moonkin Form that increases Moonfire (and Sunfire) periodic damage now increases it by 100% (was 50%).
  • Hunter
    • Immolation Trap now has a 7.5 second duration, but still deals the same amount of damage as it did over 15 seconds. This allows it to deliver all its damage before its cooldown is available again.
    • Raptor Fury now lasts 30 seconds and increases Raptor Strike damage by 15% per application (was 10%).
  • Mage
    • Arcane Barrage now has its mana cost correctly reduced by Clearcasting.
    • Pyroblasts from Hot Streak will no longer consume Clearcasting.
  • Paladin
    • Divine Light now has an 8 second cooldown.
  • Rogue
    • Main Gauche will now correctly be consumed when you Parry an attack, regardless of the type of enemy you are fighting.
    • Focused Attacks now refunds 2 Energy from critical strikes (was 3 Energy).
    • Envenom’s erroneous spell power ratio has been removed.
  • Shaman
    • Shamanistic Rage now grants the rest of the party and raid 18% of the mana granted to the Shaman (was 10%).
      • Developers’ notes: This change was made to better equalize mana provided to parties and raids between horde and alliance.
    • Warlock
      • Warlock pets will now correctly benefit from Fel Armor’s increase to their master’s spell power.
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The one thing keeping Main Gauche viable has been fixed. >.>

Buff hunter? Couldn’t be more out of touch…

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Very happy with the immolation change, make it much more desirable thank you.

Shamans get a buff.

Paladins get a nerf.

Yep, Blizzard devs strike again. How about boosting Paladin damage so they aren’t dead last?


warlocks such an afterthought that we’re a sub bullet of shamans…

good thing my pet that gets 1 shot by conflag cuz it isn’t fire resist capped for heat 3 scales with my fel armor spell power now…

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I almost never post on the forums, but after 3 weeks of phase 4, I just can’t anymore. We have specs 2 shotting people in world pvp on instant 30+ yard range globals, specs that pasively heal more than town guards can hit them for and ganking peop[le in high level areas, and specs topping DPS meeters in raids that are brain dead simple…

We have classes that a dumbster garbage in PVP, even worse in raids, battlegrounds that are empty. I know SOD was to discover new ways to play classic, but no one wants to be 2 shot in PVP, especially 30 yards out. and no one wants to do HALF as much damage with equivilent gear as other specs in raids. We players arnt asking fo much, but seriously every DPS should be viable and be relative to one another, and in PVP skill should be the highlight, not two globals…

Game is not fun if its not competative and clearly Hunters and Shamans are the golden child for SOD… name a phase where they didnt shine??? Blizz you realize you have other classes that are BEGGING for adjustments.

Alliance racials were given to Horde and any raiding advantage they might have had are completely stripped from them, where as Shaman buff horde SO much that no one on Alliance can even parse… Balance the game or honestly game will be dead before Naxx comes out. No one enjoys an unbalanced game.


bbs code issue: Warlock should be under the same sublist with shaman instead of now showed as a sub shaman move “shamanistic rage”, similarily for “Warlock pets” change to “Developers’ notes”.

The only thing I’m worried about is the constant nerf to Rogue’s, I don’t play one but many of my guilds rogues are either gonna be quitting this version of WOW, or completely try to switch classes. Which really sucks since they are the only class that is giving that 10% increase to spell damage from the poison they stack. I’m all about balancing but we have to be careful about massive nerfs. Thanks for all the hard work.


also, I thought the Spriest T1 6 bonus nerf was also applied. but have not been listed?

You forgot to make the change where Blessing of Might adds to ranged attack power like it should.

I havent commented yet but have to now. Played the whole time but might be done. Warrior main and at every aspect of the game there is someone better. Dps trash pvp trash. Devs must be hunters and shamens. With no buffs most tanks can do more damage. I am honestly not enjoying the game

Warlocks do too