Season of Discovery Hotfixes - October 15

Why was melee hunter nerfed harder than ranged hunter when they’re outperforming in raids by a long shot, and are more deadly in PvP too? This makes absolutely no sense


I wouldnt care about the nerf if you fixed how horrible TNT is to play (boss hitboxes with traps) and fixed the disparity between horde and alliance buffs/dps.

Please make TNT into throwing the trap as a bomb at the target instead of having to place the trap. The hit box on boss mobs and trying to get moving mobs is just not fun. The trap weaving game play is just not fun even when we can get a mob that we can hit with them.


Thank god, good nerfs to hunters. They have the most aoe damage and are complete menaces in AV, all while never having mana issues. I love how hunters still complain while being able to do 2.5k instant cast chimera shot and aimed shots on players lmao.

They will never be pleased. Should buff melee tho since that is a different story.

Please also fix the mage bug that does not display dispellable magic debuffs when the setting option “only display dispellable buffs” is selected



Without addons it’s basically impossible to properly cleanse as a mage healer


+1 i cant stand it… have to leave the setting off and then there is just too much to filter through in raid

I think the sad part of this nerf to hunters is that it appears to hurt gear scaling. Looking towards the future hunters already look like not great scalers,

I understand explosive trap and back line hunters are oppressive in group pvp. I would rather disable explosive traps in pvp personally than another phase and another round of pve hunter nerfs.

At this point it feels really hard to log in.

I like how melee hunters are almost doing as much dps as boomies, and you nerf them again. It honestly makes me want to not log on, and the only reason I have a sub is for SOD so I guess i’m going to be done with wow all together.


I liked my patch notes better, I wont lie :joy:.
8/6 Patch Notes:

*Reduced the damage of explosive trap by 50%.

*Reduced the damage of Chimera Shot by 10%.

Reduced the damage of backstab by 10%.

*Added an aura increasing all damage by 10% (We will adjust as we see numbers)

*Mortal Strike now deals an additional 50% weapon damage.

*Defensive Stance no longer reduces damage while having a shield equipped.

*Lava Lash deals 90% weapon damage as fire with your main hand while wielding a two-handed weapon.

*Feral Spirits duration is now reduced to 30 seconds from 45 seconds.

*Molten Blast damage increased by 15% and mana cost reduced by 30%.

*Burn now causes Flame Shock to strike 3 targets instead of 5.

Damage is reduced by 50% while under the effects of Divine Shield.

Sheath of Light now increases healing power by 30% and now has a chance to cause a stacking buff with melee attacks called the Light’s Grace, at 5 stacks the Paladin can cast Flash Light Instantly.

Increased all damage while in Boomkin Form by 10%.

Added Agility Dodge, hit and critical strike to the Druid PVE Tanking Set.


Retribution Paladin and Enhancement Shaman PVP Gear will have more intellect.

The 6 piece set bonus on all pvp gear now increases stamina by 60 instead of 20.

New PVP Trinkets: Veterans Insignia of the Horde, Veterans Insignia of the Alliance.

Veterans Insignia: Removes all lose of control effects, 2 minute duration, Requires level 60.

PVP gear has been reworked to have better stats, for example:
Legionaries Insignia
Item Level 62
Binds when picked up


+18 Stamina
+8 Strength
+6 Intellect
Requires Level 60

New Weapons Added to Vendor’s for Rank 10 and above, For Example.

Legionaries Skull Cleaver
Item level 65
Binds When Picked up

Two-Handed Axe
185 - 310 Damage Speed 4.00

(60.45 damage per second)
+12 Strength
+32 Stamina

Chance on attack to cleave to targets in front of you for 100% weapon damage.

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Still waiting for shaman nerfs.


nice buff for hunters

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Oh… carry on.

I am convinced the devs only play shammy, this is the only way I can explain the constant Hunter nerf now that they actually got a challeng in the hands. The lack of buff for boomkin (as I know p3 it was a challenge for them as well).

And the lack of nerf to shammys themselves, instead they get a thousand new abilities with lots of new CC to make them even more OP, and still having the insane damage output either as Ele or Enhance.

At this point, I am just considering leaving SoD as the devs are outright killing it.

One can only hope this means that finally hunters will get Frost Trap on the Trap Launcher again, but I doubt it.


Finally lol

That is not a BUFF thats a 50% nerf to drop something from 50% to 25% is to cut it in 1/2 which is there for a nerf !!!

Can we please STOP NERFING the hunters? This is absurd Hunters get hit with multiple NERFS every phase!!!


This dev team is full of clowns i stg…

Boomkin is last in dps and they get a THREAT REDUCTION


Is this a terrible Skit on SNL?

They nerf the LAST Sole DPS class.

Imagine crying about one spec being mediocre while that class has 3 other specs it can play

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There are almost as many Boomkins as the entire shaman class. It’s also the only caster dps Druid spec. Completely different gear from the other Druid specs also.

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No that is not true at all!!!

Yes it is one of 4 specs for that class tho all the specs in every class doesnt have to be amazing