Season of Discovery Hotfixes - October 15

Eh, if that’s what caused them to leave, they did the rest of the community a favor tbh. If you want basic raids, go to era.

July 29, 2024

Season of Discovery

  • Players who have the 18-slot version of the Bottomless Bag may now exchange the bag or the Pattern for the 20-slot version at Rix Xizzix in Booty Bay.
  • Players who have killed Magmadar but are unable to douse the Rune of Kress can now swap the Heat difficulty back and forth and should find you can now douse the Rune.
  • Lava Surgers in Molten Core will no longer spawn once Ragnaros has been defeated.
  • Fixed an issue with many of the class dungeon set bonuses. They can now only be triggered by abilities, and not by item use.
  • Ragnaros is no longer immune to Paladins’ Hand of Reckoning.
  • Fixed a bug interrupting eating or drinking when near a graveyard.
  • Fixed a bug where the incorrect version of Quel’Serrar could appear in this version of the game.
  • [With weekly restarts] The increased damage taken for low Fire Resistance in Molten Core on Heat 2 and Heat 3 has been reduced but is still extremely dangerous. Characters who are at 30 resistance lower than intended should now expect to take about 3 times normal damage (was guaranteed fatal).
    • Developers’ notes: This is intended to allow players who are dependent on Resistance Totems or Paladin Auras to have a chance to survive if briefly not within the range of those effects.
  • Hunter
    • [With weekly restarts] Entrapment now triggers a diminishing return as a Root effect on players each time it is applied. Subsequent durations will be halved and then quartered in duration, and then the target will become immune for 30 seconds.
    • Fixed a bug that prevented Hunters from being able to interact with the four demons involved in the Rhok’delar quest chain.
  • Priest
    • Fixed an issue where re-speccing did not remove Divine Spirit appropriately.
  • Rogue
    • The 6-piece Tier 1 bonus no longer puts Vanish on cooldown.
  • Shaman
    • You can no longer have Burn and Way of Earth active at the same time by using Rockbiter Rank 3.
  • Warlock
    • Shadowflame will no longer be overwritten by Improved Shadow Bolt.
  • Warrior
    • The Warrior 2-piece Tier 1 bonus Tactician will no longer be consumed if the spell cast was a free Blood Surge Slam.
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What an actual clown show to leave Boomkins this low dps for all of SOD’s 4 phases. You can obviously see with logs how completely none competitive with top specs they are. Are boomkins just SOL and you guys don’t care? We are talking like 50-70% behind the top. This is with no ZG buff and epic melee weapons. The gap will only grow to past 100% Would like confirmation at least.

Still nothing about hyper respawning core hounds. Comedy Blizz…

So can hunters have trap launcher back for Frost trap now. you did the fix we wanted so give it back to us


This should mean Frost Trap shoud now work with launcher again now. Also Hunter is getting hard with nerfs, not complaining about that. But shamman nerf when?

I’m all for this change. I agree it was really BS in PvP. I’m just glad that the devs are finally learning. They’ve been screwing over hunters since Phase 1 with all the nerfs caused by PvP complaints, which in turn affected us in PvE as well. I’m just glad they realized they can actually target nerfs towards the PvP side of things, something they’ve been doing in retail for over a decade lmfao.

And I agree, now that we’ve got a DR on entrapment, they should be giving us our trap launcher back for frost traps.


Please buff rogue tank threat. Without Alpha or Salv, threat is super sketchy.


Please put Nightfall back into the game

Man they can’t even FIX WARLOCK PETS!

Total incompetence!

Summon a pet anywhere and it is 1/3 life… Game breaking in PVP and PVE encounters… Even using Eye of Kilrogg brings our pets from FULL LIFE back to 1/3 Life!

And most of the time when we summon our pets their new name is “Unknown”

How are these things even a thing…

At least list all the hotfixes, you also hotfixed MC so that its hard locked at 20 when you had the opportunity to let raid teams flex and bring their benches with them so we wouldnt have to pug/recruit every time someone has something going on irl thanks for dodging the QOL buff that leaving in the flex on MC wouldve allowed

Please give us back flex Mc. Biggest L in SoD to date.

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July 30, 2024

Season of Discovery

  • Shard of the Scale and Flame’s set bonus is now activated by all spells (was only direct healing and spell damage).

  • Anathema and Benediction can now correctly be swapped after a one minute cooldown has passed.

  • Molten Core

    • Fixed an issue that prevented Shazzrah from casting Gate of Shazzrah twice in a row on Heat 3.
    • Ragnaros no longer submerges twice on Heat 1.
    • Baron Geddon now casts Armageddon at 5% on Heat 1 (was 10%).
    • Baron Geddon now casts 2 Living Bombs at a time on Heat 2 (was 3).
    • Living Bomb no longer leaves Living Fallout pools on Heat 1.
    • Flamewaker Protectors now cast Dominate Mind much less frequently.
    • Maximized the cast and recast times of several dispel mechanics.
    • Damage done to self with spells such as Hellfire is no longer increased by the low Fire Resistance effects on Heat levels 2 and 3 in Molten Core.
  • Mage

    • Mass Regeneration range for detecting allies to heal increased to 43 yards (was 30), to eliminate the situation where it was possible to heal others who were outside the range for your heal to apply to yourself.
  • Priest

    • Homunculi now cast and stack Sunder Armor relative to the rank they would have if they were a Warrior of their level.
      • Developers’ notes: This takes the place of their casting Degrade previously. Now a friendly Warrior can refresh a Homunculi’s 5 stack of Sunder Armor. The strength of this debuff at max level is unchanged.
    • Spirit of the Redeemer will now correctly put Pain Suppression and Dispersion on a two-minute cooldown (was incorrectly 5 minutes).

Please revert the MC 20 man cap for heat level 1!!! It was really awesome to be able to take more than 20 for this raid!! Made life as raid leader a lot easier and I have never seen a community so on the same page with disliking a “fix”


Still nothing about hyper respawn corehounds.

Just go ahead and bring the loot up to snuff with where ST was at please.

When are we addressing the issue with warlocks imps dieing throughout MC… Unless it has been hot fixed???

Hey, uhhh. When can we expect a response about Radiant Echoes. We aren’t happy and ya’ll ignoring us is not making the situation better.

Correct me if I am wrong, but you change the heat level inside the raid right?

If they were to do this they would have to do 1 of 2 things.

  1. Allow 20+ for all heat levels
  2. redesign how you active the heat levels.
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