Season of Discovery Hotfixes - October 15

Hay blizzard let me show you how to buff ranged hunter with minimal pvp issues

Step 1 lion is now a book. No longer gives the hunter 10% additional stats.

Flanking strike moved to chest

New leg rune

Apex predator, gain 10% additional stats and reduces damage taken by aoe effects by 30%

Sniper training now takes 4 seconds to activate and stays active for 2 seconds after moving. Sniper training now effects all ranged crit chabce including auto shot

Serpent spread no longer effects the 3 targets hit by multi shot, instead it effects all targets within 8 yards of the main target when using multi shot

Explosive shot base damage reduced to 1+lvl (so base damage at 40 is 41. Rap scaling drastically increased.

Serpent sting (base spell) gains rap scaling

Chimera shot serpent sting damage coefficient reduced to keep its current damage comparable to after serpent sting gets rap scaling.

Trap launcher rune now also gives rap scaling to traps.

Steady shot rune now also causes steady shot to reduce the cast time of aimed shot by 1.5 seconds.


What intelligent pvp counter play? No melee stands a chance against you unless a rogue luckily one shots you?

Sounds like youre upset you cant Living flame, Living bomb someone and then walk away and spam LOLOL

Do something about feral in pve pls, people are being forced to stay feral because its too good raid wide but they all get depressed because they do less dmg than warlock tanksā€¦

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Blizzard isnā€™t licensed to sell or manufacture pharmaceuticals

Buff ret paladin, thank you!

pls blizz give me VT

This. Fire needed a nerf but enhance is bugged and completely broken in pvp. Mage is a glass cannon. Enhance does the same damage but itā€™s way more bursty, has 2x the health in pvp, wears mail, and is completely unccable/kiteable.

Also baffling to touch the travel speed of living flame when you just halved the duration. Do they want it to tick like twice and do no damage? lol


Yep yep my guy

The speed reduction was completely unnecessary. It was already too slow, imo. Even classes like paladin, wheelchair class, was able to easily outrun it. Now, it is required to stand on your target before you cast it and slow them in pvp. Sod team has a history of over correction. It is frustrating and makes the game worse.


As a shaman main please stop belligerently ignoring how overpowered dual wielding rockbiter is, with or without 20% AP from loyal beta. Like limit it to main hand only and you can stop us from having 1600 AP self buffed at 40. Itā€™s absurd how strong it is, to the point there is no reason to play 2H enhance, let alone DPS DW enhance with anything besides double RB since flametongue on the offhand is only 50% bonus to that ability, so the AP from rockbiter alone makes lava lash hit harder than the damage bonus flametongue offers, on top of adding to every other ability amd white swing.

I run up to someone in PvP and purge any defensives/bubbles/hots i can and white swing and theyre usually dead before i finish cleaning off their buffs. Insane

Choosing rockbiter with WoE rune should be like going into defensive stance at the least, if i need to survive burst i should have a play for it, but that play is also my highest damage output, itā€™s terrible for the game to let this keep going.

Maybe at least make it so if you have the Way of earth rune that having rockbiter on your OH deactivates it, so if someone wants to have insane damage they dont also become an insane tank with damage reduction, crit reduction, and bonus health.

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Yep if anything the travel time shouldā€™ve been increased to compensate for halved duration.


Honestly the ability should just appear under the targets feet after itā€™s cast. Itā€™s so slow and low uptime itā€™s kind of ridiculous it has to snail its way there

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Yeah just hope it doesnā€™t get effected by impact lol


can we remove restrictions on wsg items too? :stuck_out_tongue:

Can you tell us why you buffed shamman 86774 times in a row to the point the BG experience is less than horrible? Cmon guys open your eyes and pull out the finger up your littleā€¦ cheekā€¦

Can we nerf shaman in pvp for 1029898749874 th time PLS FOR FOOOK sakeā€¦

Maybe a nerf shaman would be okay at this point

You okay ?


Itā€™s just that one dude on his 11th sockpuppet retail character. They should ban non SoD characters from speaking in here I swear lmao.