Season of Discovery Hotfixes - March 11

LMAO! It’s hilarious to see reactions of people when their broken class suddenly gets balanced. You think it’s a coincidence that paladins are overrepresented in AB (average of 4-5 every game) AND are usually blowing up everyone on the leaderboard (along with Boomkins)? Yeah, that leaves 2 options: Everyone who plays paladin is a god and master of the game, or it’s a class with several crutches that is designed for absolute beginners.

You were doing insane damage with no penalty, had a 12-second full immunity WHILE being able to mount in combat and wreck people, have a stupid squire that can heal and annoy healers, can immune yourself and others from all physical damage, can dispel everything except curses, etc.

Finally, and importantly, in a world where AB is the dominant BG (because of Blizzard laziness not fixing WSG or AV), it is insanely unfair that you can hold an entire Horde team off the flag for 12+ seconds, allowing reinforcements to arrive and keep wiping us while a rotation of paladins keeps ressing and rotating bubbles to repeat the process.

Welcome to the real world.